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Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures and Videos ~ January 01,2016. to April 30,2016.

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énorme engueulade!!! elles hurlaient à faire trembler les murs!!! c'est la première fois que butch s'énerve autant!!!

huge shouting match !!! they yelled to shake the walls !!! this is the first time that butch gets upset much !!! :-[ :-[ :-\ :-\

ca a l'air d'allez mieux maintenant  :)

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I have been watching blue a lot lately due to the fact the girls apartment has gone down hill Layla has shown up. I believe she is another of those girls who does not fantasize, even though she very beautiful young lady, she never touches herself. I keep waiting on that night she will let loose and go for it. Gut so fart to no avail, just goes to bed and then to sleep. I have only seen her with one guy and he tries to get sexual , but irt never really went anywhere. What the hell is wrong with these girls, if only they new how much of their own sexuality they are missing out on...... MASTURBATION is normal part of everyone's life, is needed to relieve tension and anxiety.

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I have been watching blue a lot lately due to the fact the girls apartment has gone down hill Layla has shown up. I believe she is another of those girls who does not fantasize, even though she very beautiful young lady, she never touches herself. I keep waiting on that night she will let loose and go for it. Gut so fart to no avail, just goes to bed and then to sleep. I have only seen her with one guy and he tries to get sexual , but irt never really went anywhere. What the hell is wrong with these girls, if only they new how much of their own sexuality they are missing out on...... MASTURBATION is normal part of everyone's life, is needed to relieve tension and anxiety.

"Gut so fart" sounds like something Beatriz would do :)

Seriously though, Blue did have sex in her room. The pictures were on here.

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