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Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures and Videos ~ January 01,2016. to April 30,2016.

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He's a fucking nutcase and RLC should kick them all out of the project as well!!!!

je n'ai pas vu la scène du couteau, mais dans la video qui à été partagée sur le combat, j'ai surtout vu hector qui essayait de calmer suzan, alors qu'elle lui mettait des baffes!!! il n'a pas répondu par la violence physique, il la repoussait simplement!!! ceux qui était ici au début, savent que suzan est très dure parfois, et que lorsqu'elle avait une crise, elle devenait ingérable!!! hector tente de rester zen, même quand il se prend des gifles!!! suzan peut être un ange, mais aussi un démon quand elle est énervée!!! quand j'ai lu les commentaires sur cc, j'ai cru que hector l'avait frapper ou tabasser, alors que la video ne montre pas cela, bien au contraire!!! il n'a pas menacé suzan avec un couteau, comme certains commentaires le faisaient croire, mais voulais se blesser lui même!!!

I have not seen the scene of the knife, but in the video that was shared about the fight, I mostly saw hector who was trying to calm suzan, as she put it slaps !!! he did not respond with physical violence, he simply rejected !!! those who were here in the beginning, know that Suzan is very hard sometimes, and when it was a crisis, it became unmanageable !!! hector tries to remain calm, even when it takes slaps !!! Suzan can be an angel, but a devil when she's angry !!! when I read the reviews of DC, I thought hector had hit or beaten, while the video does not show that, on the contrary !!! suzan he has not threatened with a knife, as some reviews did believe, but wanted to hurt himself !!! :scratchchin: :scratchchin: :idk:

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I have to be honest, they have been going at it like bunny rabbits ever since both the fight and since the guest has arrived....make up sex from the fight is good and I have really enjoyed watching them.....But I wished just once she would please herself again alone, or after she takes his load, it would be spectacular to watch. I reall want to know just what iti is that turns her on..... :yeahbaby:

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I have to be honest, they have been going at it like bunny rabbits ever since both the fight and since the guest has arrived....make up sex from the fight is good and I have really enjoyed watching them.....But I wished just once she would please herself again alone, or after she takes his load, it would be spectacular to watch. I reall want to know just what iti is that turns her on..... :yeahbaby:

It appears that tattooed assholes is what turns her on!

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Just a note, because I am always seeing ppl asking: Both Suzan & Hector and their guests speak Bulgarian. They are Bulgarians. But currently they live in Prague, Czech Republic. During the holidays they are visiting Bulgaria. And he is very arrogant and rude to Suzan...

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Rather especially when the guest sitting claws on his balls, with his head on the shoulder of Suzan.

They seem to drink moonshine el. who is on a Coke bottle.

Suzan looks like a little devil with horns;-) (chair out on the balcony).

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The kids getting bold tonight. Hector is on the patio. Kid is in the kitchen yells to Suzan in the LR and starts doing hip thrust fucking motions. She yells out to Hector and points at the kid for him to watch.  Kid come over to her and reaches between her legs while looking at Hector through the window. Since then he has picked her up and spun her around and is a very happy mood. Everyone is happy tonight.  My wishful thinking is that this would develop into something.  Probably will not.  I hope someone keeps an eye on this as I have to leave for a while.

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I did not watch Suzan and Hector until lately, as Hector is quite strange in my eyes. But I have changed my attitude as their sex seems to be quite joyful and Suzan´s blowjobs are just beautiful - and she remembers to keep her hair tied to make sure that we can see. I just wonder why they don´t use contraceptives (Hector´s hasty drawouts) and why Suzan doesn´t require equal rights for orgasm (is it due to the Eastern-European culture of dominating men?).

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