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Kamilaaaaaaa is back !!!!!!

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If I saw it live I would check it out and probably not comment. Nothing new, I assume that's the mood for not a lot of interest. Same old song. I also don't feel like I missed anything. Which I'm always about an hour off everyday anyway with the apts. seem to just miss a lot.

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10 hours ago, kenny1940 said:

If I saw it live I would check it out and probably not comment. Nothing new, I assume that's the mood for not a lot of interest. Same old song. I also don't feel like I missed anything. Which I'm always about an hour off everyday anyway with the apts. seem to just miss a lot.

I wonder what type video Kami watches when she masturbates?Since she wears earbuds she must not want anyone else to hear it.Also,with her telling Kristy about a video she watched of a woman tied naked spread eagle on a bed,Kami reading the book "Grey",and the rough sex I observed her having with both Dima and Egor;could the video be S&M?

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  • 4 weeks later...

19.10 K & K around 10:08 in the bathroom
Kristy: And how is it with you two?
Kami: I do not know how is it with us? Kristy: You do not know?
Kristy: You do not have feelings for him or something happened? Kami: I do but he doesn't.
Kristy: It's because of the departure? Kami: It started before leaving. You remember I told you. I can not say that something has happened but it is a total difference between what was and what is now. From my side everything is as before. Still I would like to spend as much time with him. And He is opposite. He needs a lot of time for himself or he is tired of me. Or not is used to it. Or he wants to leave me now, just does not know how to do it. Looking for every way to not be together. When we're together everything is in order. 
Later Kami says she did so, too. When she could not find a reason to break up with her boyfriend gradually reduced the amount of time that she spent with him.
Kristy talking about some girl who took care of them in Uzbekistan.
After a while Kristy: Dancer wrote to me that I wanted to kill him. That crazy hormones were buzzing in me so I could not sit still. And today when she came back she wanted first to go to him and not home.
Kami: He justified himself? Kristy: Yes justified. Kami: What? Kristy: That's what I assumed.
Later Kristy long talks about what has happened in Tashkent. Mostly about eating and drinking vodka.
Then Kristy talks about a girl that she met who said she knows Kami and told a lot of the details of her life.

Kami does not know who was is it. She knows Anna and Rita. Kristy says that Rita looks sick when they met on her trip. Kami says that Rita five years ago ate mainly chocolate. Later her stomach was hurting and she vomited.
Kami says that during the night after her return Yegor asked her if she wanted again. Kami: Next. This will be the third time. Nothing scary. Later, Kristy asks about the bruise Kami has. Kamis says that when Yegor carried her at his apartment she hit the wall. Kristy: It was a sweet night?

Kami: In principle, yes. It was the first night after my return.

approx. 10:41 in the kitchen
Then Kami talks about what was on Friday, the day of her return.
On Friday, Yegor works until 16 so she thought that for sure they would meet. She prepared herself for 16 and he did not write. In the end, he sends photos of the broken glass in the car. Then for half an hour does not respond to e-mails. When he finally phoned her, he quietly asks her what's going on. It turns out that someone broke into his car and stole a briefcase from the back seat where were his documents (ID and driving license) documents from the company and some corporate goodies. Kami was impressed by his calmness. She says that she imagined how in such a case would react Dima or her father. Shouting and cursing would not end.

Kami tells about yesterday's visit of Anna. She speaks very quietly. Anna wants to buy an apartment in Moscow. The second message is that Anna is pregnant. It is the result of a two months trip to Dubai. Kristy asked whether she will have an abortion. Kami nods. Kristy is shocked. Kami went for 3 weeks to Dubai after Anna's return. Anna earned money for an apartment during her time there. It seems to me that this money is related to the pregnancy. Anna answered an advertisement which said that girls are sought with young appearance (fifteen years old) Kami plays recording of Anna who actually speaks with childish voice (10:51:50). Kami says that the most important thing is to find yourself in the right time in the right place. Kristy repeats over and over "Why did you tell me this '' You just ruined my mood."

Kami wondering how in such a situation Yegor will behave.  She says that if a guy who has serious intentions towards her should ... .. (???). Kami: Going to the movies does not mean anything. Kristy: What else did you do before? Kami: Earlier, we were constantly together. And now when I arrived we spent a weekend together but this weekend on Sunday, almost all the time he was busy because he first had to drive somewhere his aunt and later had to do something at home. And on Monday he went to work and all day no messages. It's 17:30. At this time usually we determine what we do. And nothing. In the end, he writes that he was going home because he has plenty of things to do. Kami: What a lot of things you might have to do. With the work he never takes nothing to do at home. At home everything he did when he was on Sunday. He asked me what are my plans. "No plans". Then came Anna. We talked and at 1:30 I looked on the net. He was logged in and usually goes to bed around midnight. I asked: How is your lots of things to do feel? Apparently he slept until the next morning and wrote: Good. Kami: If you saw our last messages that this is so. (Showing on her fingers) He doesn't bring any topics to talk about. Only terse replies. And the next day he calls at 17:30 Honey what you're doing. Can we go to the cinema. We meet. Embraces me. Everything is fine. It's hard for me because when he is not around, I stay alone with thoughts and start to wind up. I still believe that this will lead to something good because every time it's worse.
Kristy asks for sex. Kami: Previously it was without interruption. I was not able to calm down. And now we come .... make love .... maybe two times. And yesterday we lie down everything calmly. No lust. We lie for 15 min, embrace. It's already 1:30. He usually quickly falls asleep. It reminded me of Dima. However, he didn't fall asleep or it was me moving. He began to have sex but I had the impression that was not the long-awaited sex.
Kristy: And that's just two months. Kami: With these two months I was there three weeks and one week in Greece.


They talk about Kami's birthday which will be on November 11.
Kami: In three weeks.
Kristy: You mean when you go somewhere away with Yegor?
Kami: Not a word! Understand?! Where do I go if he is not going anywhere with me?
Kristy: He may prepare a surprise.
Kami: Of course! They stole his ID (passport) and he is even preparing a surprise!
Kristy: ????
Kami: It's like he lacked the money. Do you remember what I wrote you? And with such a relation to me he may not want to spend money for my birthday.
Kristy: He may save money for February and go to America.
Kami: Probably. I do not know what saves for! After all, it's my birthday! He should understand. I do not want to celebrate here.
Kristy: Cover the big table. Invite animal trainers ... I mean nobody. We will cheer and raise toasts ...
Kami: The last two years I celebrated a birthday in Egypt. I want this time to be in the sun by the sea. I do not need anything more.
Kristy: I wish you it comes true. Why did not you tell me? After all, I was in a place where all your wishes come true. I could ask for.
Kami: I would like to go somewhere but if I had to go alone or with the girls it would not be right to leave on my birthday. If he did something like that it would have been incomprehensible to me. Different story if I was working and he could not go with me. But if I am free and he says he is .... You see! Only for this reason that he can not pay for something we have to stay here? Zero prospect!
Kristy: In addition, on all fronts.
Kristy after a while is asleep.

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Thank you very much Kitek, as always.

We can imagine how hard it is for Yegor. He seems a nice guy but Kami is a difficult girl to manage. She wants every moment of him for her and at the same time to be able to get away for one week, Greece, or three weeks, Dubai. So every time, he has to cool down his feelings toward her. He doesn't want to suffer, so he has to keep his distance, stay a bit aloof, not to be too much involved..

She does need to know that she has to give him more than her ass, which means a bit of her freedom.

She is playing the perfect housewife for him, ironing the shirts, making dinner, cleaning the place.. But she can't be both : Cleopatra and the maid. He is not rich enough to be Cesar and seems to work a lot.


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21.10 around 21:51  after Yegor left Kami talks to Kristy

Kristy: Passion won?
Kami: The conversation we had .... I'm telling you .... Everything is so clear ..... Only at the end I managed to achieve so that he began to speak out, because at the beginning he was afraid to say anything. Everything is just as I assumed. He said that during each of our meeting when he goes home, he is afraid that he offends me that he wants to stay home alone. He says he does not understand where such desire comes from. It's that I want us to spend as much time together is considered normal. In contrast, he considers his feelings abnormal but is not able to do anything about it. Yegor says, "The relationship between us is that when we are at home each of us could do their own thing. I feel obliged to take care of you and I could not take care of my own business when you are with me. "I tell him that it's perfectly normal expectation. At the same time I think about it, if only it is not the worst. But no. He does not understand what is happening. He said that when I went to Dubai in the first week he terribly missed me then somehow everything went away. I like that he is talking about it openly. She says he expected that when I come back it will all work out but nothing happened.

Kristy: It didn't heat up again?

Kami: He said that when at the beginning we slept together he wanted to hold me and not let go during sleep. And now they embrace for short while and he turns his back when he falls asleep. Actually, nothing extraordinary is happening, but in the subconscious something bothers him. He also, said of course, in a very delicate way that he can not imagine our life together. I asked him to tell precisely what he meant. He said he could not imagine how we could arrange a life together. (To Kristy) Just as we are with you now. I tell him we have not tried yet so why it is that he can not imagine? I asked what could I do so that you could imagine. He said it's not about what I could do just what I did not do. Kami to Kristy: After all I did cook for him, ironed his shirts. I do not understand what was wrong. Only one month passed. Our relation didn't get so far ahead yet, I had to do something else.

Kristy: Perhaps he suspects that you are princess?

Kami: I do not know. Maybe the point is that for good earning guy, it is important that the woman was sexy and sat in the house. When he sees that I do not do it, in his head, there are doubts about how it will be in the future. In sex we also cooled down.
Kami: We sit and we feel hurt, that something does not come out of it and it may end up that way.

Yegor: It's not that I want to break up. In principle, everything is fine and we could continue but you're right, that sooner or later we come to such a conversation like this because it is unlikely that anything will change.

Kami to Kristy: Realistically. What could change? Kristy says something.

Kami: Listen! When we came to the conclusion that it is the END he came up to me and patted my leg. -reflex remained-

I say: If you do not intend go to a party today... ..

Yegor: And are you going? Kami: If you ask me it depended on the outcome of our conversation today. Y: Yes. I understand. Kami: We sit and look, that the decision to break up was made. We sit and we are silent, we look ahead and smile to each other. It's very strange. Usually when people break up they pretend that it is cool or cry. And he says: With a view to a good night is good to say goodbye. It's very strange ... We sit, smile at each other ... It is so confusing ... First I still have feelings for him. As for him, it is possible that ... Actually, I do not know. We look like idiots at each other. We just told each other, yet realized that it is the end. We are approaching my street. I closed my eyes. He caresses me. And I have for him the same desire ... Then he said: You know. What I say sounds stupid but when you said the word "separation" immediately I felt a desire to embrace you and not let go and ask about plans for the New Year. We remained silent. And I terribly wanted to fuck, I can see that he, too ....

I say that we should probably be in the "open relationship". Yegor: I do not know.

Kami to Kristy: Because it can actually save the situation now, if I hold him at bay, without any expectations to each other ...

Kristy: You can do so?

Kami: Yes, of course. I was expecting ... I do not know what is happening to him that it is so bland. Of course, that I could if I'm calm. Another option was to leave.
Next Kami tells how they agreed where they will go. One of the variants was the car. Kami proposed apartment and quietly wrote to Kristy. Kami says that when Kristy wrote back that she is in the house it felt awkward. In the end, Yegor said that they go to her.
Kami: We came. Sex, sex .... Kisses. I try not to show initiative. I push him away and he grabs me. I'm ready to play this role. I do not need it but I'm comfortable with it.
Kami: One more thing. Once we have determined that we are going to me he made me promise that after sex when he goes home, I go to a party.
Kristy is skeptical: You want to have a family and he tells you to ....
Kami: And what should I do? I would be offended then if he did something
Kristy with reserve refers to the idea of "open relationship". She reminds her of how it was with Dima. Generally she fears that Kami at her own request falls into something that does not have prospects.
Kami: I do not know if I'm doing good. Now it is most important to me, not to despair and I might be able to extend this time and it will solve somehow. I have to find something to do. Dance classes....
Kristy advises her that she gets drivers license.

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4 minutes ago, phantomcapsnet said:

Thanks Kitek, not sure to figure out what's going on, so i understand  Kami and Jegor are now fuck friends

I don't think he wants that, it was her suggestion. We might or never see him again.

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