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Kamilaaaaaaa is back !!!!!!

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Just tell the truth and I won't need to comment.

The truth is that this is coming from her talking on live stream on couple of occasions, so please keep your social media truth to yourself because I don't care what you have to say anymore.

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For so much anticipation concerning wanting K&K to have their own place, it sure has turned out to be a waste of an apartment. There's none of the prior fun these two girls were having while in Barcelona. Watching them is like watching paint dry.

That's because back then mostly everyone that watched them was enamored with the possibility that they might hook up, despite a small handful of people like myself knowing from the very beginning that they never would. Now more people realize that K&K are not lesbians and are not into each, and those people feel that since there's nothing really to look forward to there's nothing worth watching.

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The truth is that this is coming from her talking on live stream on couple of occasions, so please keep your social media truth to yourself because I don't care what you have to say anymore.

The problem here is it's not only the comments you've said about Rita, You commented before Rita arrived that Kamila has a new boyfriend, The boyfriend who turned up she's has been seeing for 3 years, So you're saying Kamila was lying to Kristy and now she's also lying to Rita about her boyfriend, You also say Rita is lying to both Kamila and Kristy about London, Now I think we can all agree Rita and Kamila are friends, After all Kamila and Rita did go on holiday together after their stay in Barcelona (yes there are photos) So the only two conclusions are two good friends are just lying to each other or Kitek is lying, Yeah that's a tough choice!!
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The problem here is it's not only the comments you've said about Rita, You commented before Rita arrived that Kamila has a new boyfriend, The boyfriend who turned up she's has been seeing for 3 years, So you're saying Kamila was lying to Kristy and now she's also lying to Rita about her boyfriend, You also say Rita is lying to both Kamila and Kristy about London, Now I think we can all agree Rita and Kamila are friends, After all Kamila and Rita did go on holiday together after their stay in Barcelona (yes there are photos) So the only two conclusions are two good friends are just lying to each other or Kitek is lying, Yeah that's a tough choice!!

Go back to social media for answers because you know better than girls themselves if they're lying to each other. The only problem is photos can't talk.

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All I can say is that I am glad that Kami is back in RLC.  I had cancelled my membership right after K & K left Barcelona.  As soon as I saw this thread on CC that she is back, I re-subscribed.  I had followed Kami on social sites, but it's great to see her in RLC webcam streaming and videos.

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Considering that that was posted in the middle of the worst troll attack I have ever seen, I wouldn't place much faith in that "translation" being correct. There was a group of trolls posting that did everything they could to destroy RLC by focusing on ripping their most-liked tenant to shreds with lie after lie about her. Never a single piece of "proof" to support their vile allegations was ever provided. It was a disgrace and I am very glad that the trolls have left this forum (at least temporarily).

Hold up, are you calling me a troll now? Cause I was the one that translated that conversation :headache:

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Kamila and Kristy are like Mike Tyson in his early career. Don't blink or you might miss. Example. I have never seen Kristy masturbate because I turn away thinking she is sleep and two minutes late lots of posts saying Kristy just bated. I was watching Kamila fully clothed and three minutes late she is in her underwear on the couch. Guess I better just stay tuned al all times.

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Is it just me, or does it appear that Kamila just came back to RLC because they simply made her an offer she could not refuse... she is gone over more than half of time with the BF, and she just plain does not look very happy when she is at home. She truly wants to spend every waking moment with her BF. When she sleeps she is wrapped up in that big ole bear, it is obvious that she is very much in love and is all she thinking about. He is a wealthy man and provide for all her needs, so she has found her rich guy to take care of her, The only reason I can see for doing so, is that she really loves Kristy and wants to help her find a rich man to take care of her the way she is being taken care of ? Is it just me. or do other here see the same thing?

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I can't say I know why she came back - but as it turns out, she really does put a damper on the house - she's so one-minded now. Kristy tries her best to get Kamila involved, but it's only partially worked with a little touchy feelly in the bath and on the couch - Kamila just doesn't seem to have her heart in it.

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Is it just me, or does it appear that Kamila just came back to RLC because they simply made her an offer she could not refuse... she is gone over more than half of time with the BF, and she just plain does not look very happy when she is at home. She truly wants to spend every waking moment with her BF. When she sleeps she is wrapped up in that big ole bear, it is obvious that she is very much in love and is all she thinking about. He is a wealthy man and provide for all her needs, so she has found her rich guy to take care of her, The only reason I can see for doing so, is that she really loves Kristy and wants to help her find a rich man to take care of her the way she is being taken care of ? Is it just me. or do other here see the same thing?

Sorry, I don't think that is correct at all. I'm just speechless at all the people who think they know what Kamila and Kristy are thinking all the time. I'm not talking just to you, Thesta. I like you a lot and enjoy your posts. But, I do think that you are occasionally a little premature in some of the conclusions you draw (just like all of us). There are several other posters here who simply want to see sex all the time with these girls and I don't understand why in the world they think that's what should be expected and that they are being cheated if it doesn't happen.

If people really were to stop and think about the whole premise of this site, maybe they would realize that these girls were not hired to entertain us. They were brought back because they are very popular and some members just love to see them and get to share a little in their lives. But, instead of people being happy for Kamila that she seems to be involved in a relationship that makes her happy, they are upset with her because she's not home all the time bored to death so that they can see her and then complain that she's not having sex or showing enough skin.

Kamila and Kristy both are beautiful and single young women who are currently roommates. "Real" girls who are friends and live together don't go bringing their boyfriends home and having sex with them in a shared apartment much either. That would be considered as being inconsiderate of the roommate who doesn't currently have a boyfriend.  Neither girl agreed to share an apartment with their roommate and their lover. They agreed to share an apartment with their roommate.

I just think these poor girls are always going to be attacked for what they do or don't do because of totally unrealistic and unfair expectations.

To me, the answer is simple. If members don't like what these girls are doing, there are 12 or so other apartments that can be viewed. I just don't understand the constant judgement and criticism. It makes no sense to me.

Again, Thesta, I am not responding just to your post. I like you and your posts. I just don't agree with this particular one and I feel that there are many posters on here who are very unfair in their criticism of the girls.

Sorry for the rant, but I just felt like something had to be said about all the unjustified expectations.

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Book, I was not complaining in any way... I'm happy for her... I don't understand as why she would subject herself to the scrutiny if you didn't have too. I was just making a statement, I have no real expectations in way from any of the apartments. I am really glad to see the both of them, it seems to me she is not happy when in the apartment or being away from her BF, that is what I said, I also questioned whether she did it out of love for Kristy?

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