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Here we piss and moan about CC Mods

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Listen to me, Harley. You worry about yourself, your family, and the people that are important to you. We, men, get tired of loving the wrong women too! Everyone you disagree or argue with is not your enemy. Show respect even to people who don't deserve it; not as a reflection of their character, but as a reflection of yours. An open mind is a beautiful mind. Joey

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On 12/18/2018 at 1:32 PM, euromike69 said:

I nominate you for the official "WTF? Poster of the Year," truly an honor. Accept it with pride. Maybe we should start a "WTF?" in the Old Dudes forum in your honor.

Or maybe we should name it "WTFGWWTW." (What the fuck's gone wrong with this world?)

I mean, that guy's scary as hell, and I'm a grown-up.

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On 12/10/2018 at 8:18 AM, TBG 150 said:

That is why I won't mod anymore. It's the same whining little kids all the time. Really. I would love to know how many people that are guests and others that log in and never post, what their real ages are. Then the ones that post in the apartment forums. It has to be below 16 years of age.

Then you get the ones that type messages to the tenants. "Oh, XXXXX, I love you soooo much. You are so beautiful when you bate for the camera.".  Are you fucking serious? Get a life already!

I'd silence them all, then get my modding duties rescinded because I'm picking on them. There is no middle ground here. 

Thank God there is someone else out there that thinks like this. When I was a RLC subscriber it was weird central in some of the apartment threads, with folk declaring their undying love for the females, Leora especially. Weird! Then there is the VHTV forum where some of the female tenants post and the ass licking they get is vomit inducing!

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14 hours ago, moos54 said:


i just asked you to stop talking about social media , that's it 

is it too hard for you? 

in all fairness, he mentioned Kami"s IG once in a post--so what is so bad about talking about her Interest Group? 😏

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I wish we could go back to the good ol' days when deep inside information about tenants could be shared in our public forums, but that lead to some dangerous problems for our loved ones. That's why we have that Rule. I'll therefore back up Moos on this kind of stuff. Keep it in PMs, or keep it clothed in unbelievable wild-eyed speculation so that it's hidden.

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Just to refresh everyone's minds:

The Apartment topics are for discussing and enjoying the tenants. Not insulting them or other CC members.

The Political section is for International and Domestic warfare. Minimal moderation: we don't want problems with Interpol. Hopefully, the warfare will not become nuclear. I like this board because I don't have to moderate it.

Rants & Flames is for kicking ass and being an ass. Minimal moderation. We don't want to be shut down by the FBI or FSB. It's not exactly 4chan/b, but can be pretty close to it. I like this board because I don't have to moderate it.

Old Dudes is for enjoying good music and the finer things in life. It's the rodent's favorite board. Behave there or your bird feeder will be emptied, your car's radiator hose will be chewed up, and your attic will be trashed.

Anything you say against me in Rants and Flames will never be held against you in the other forums. Especially if you post some good tunes at the Old Dude's Jukebox.

Thank you, and have a nice day.


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