kzsjzkdjs Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 16 minutes ago, slider_69 said: I cannot remember ever seeing Rita masturbate ; not now or when she was previously in Barcelona the 1st time. Does anyone ever remember seeing her masturbate or fool around with any of the other girls ? I saw her masturbating two times when she was in the apartment the first time and one time since she is back in Spain. Each time under cover. 2
slider_69 Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 2 hours ago, kzsjzkdjs said: I saw her masturbating two times when she was in the apartment the first time and one time since she is back in Spain. Each time under cover. Thank you............I missed those !
HarleyFatboy Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 2 minutes ago, slider_69 said: Thank you............I missed those ! Doesn't sound like you missed anything to me lol 1
slider_69 Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 1 minute ago, HarleyFatboy said: Doesn't sound like you missed anything to me lol Right you are.......LOL ; but now I at least know she does it !
HarleyFatboy Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 Just now, slider_69 said: Right you are.......LOL ; but now I at least know she does it ! They all do it wether they want to show/admit it lol. 1
Gudari Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 Sorry Euromike and followers of Rita but I will give my opinion. Rita is the most boring and arrogant girl I've seen pass by RLC and they are three times by three apartments if I am not mistaken. I am now more convinced that the people who work for RLC read reviews of camcaps because I do not understand that Rita makes to be three different stages and only what I think, but I think that if this is the third time is for you Euromike, because I have not seen anyone more put on sky to this girl. It seems that you do enough impression on people who work in RLC because if it was me or Nora, as some say that remains the "owner of the apartment", would have not passed the first stay in an apartment. WHAT I FEEL, NOT ME LIKE RITA, SORRY. 5
sillybilly Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 6 hours ago, slider_69 said: I cannot remember ever seeing Rita masturbate ; not now or when she was previously in Barcelona the 1st time. Does anyone ever remember seeing her masturbate or fool around with any of the other girls ? She sometimes goes into the downstairs toilet for 20-30 mins, I assume that's what she's doing. I think I've seen her once since she's been back have a quick rub in the bedroom . 1
Crispost Posted June 7, 2016 Posted June 7, 2016 Rita tiene mejor cuerpo y la cara es mas bonita que Kami Rita has better body and face is prettier than Kami 2
corboblanc Posted June 8, 2016 Posted June 8, 2016 I post here because I wanted to meet mrbox in "general discussion", but I can not wait for the penalty 1:30 blockage ends !!! early evening it's not serious, but here we are in the middle of the night !!!!!I also see the sudden change of behavior rita, hiding since his return, giving us some profile of a breast as only gift. then, for a few days, it shows off totally and shamelessly showing us her pussy as she had never done in these two previous participations rlc. what's weird is that Rita has always been modest, and that nothing can turn a modest person, by an exhibitionist medalist in so little time !!!! I do not understand, but I enjoy the show !!! 3
BBsq69 Posted June 8, 2016 Posted June 8, 2016 2 hours ago, corboblanc said: I post here because I wanted to meet mrbox in "general discussion", but I can not wait for the penalty 1:30 blockage ends !!! early evening it's not serious, but here we are in the middle of the night !!!!!I also see the sudden change of behavior rita, hiding since his return, giving us some profile of a breast as only gift. then, for a few days, it shows off totally and shamelessly showing us her pussy as she had never done in these two previous participations rlc. what's weird is that Rita has always been modest, and that nothing can turn a modest person, by an exhibitionist medalist in so little time !!!! I do not understand, but I enjoy the show !!! Excuse me corbo, but what about Blue? Very rarely showed anything - even bathroom sightings seemed rare and brief but while Sabrina showed a lot of nudity Blue didn't even show her tits but then one day she went on cam and the dildos came out. I am not saying Rita is like this but lots of BB contestants pretend they are modest to boost the publicity when they do go naked. Whatever the reason some do suddenly switch from modesty to openness. And of course don't underestimate her being more relaxed about nudity because Vika (who unlike some people on her, I never believed was modest) is now the nudest RLC girl ever with Eliza certainly among the top few. With those 2 spending so much time naked, maybe nudity has now become normalised for Rita.
corboblanc Posted June 8, 2016 Posted June 8, 2016 Il y a 6 heures, BBsq69 a dit : Excusez-moi corbo, mais qu'en est-il bleu? Très rarement montré quoi que ce soit - même les observations de salle de bains semblaient rares et brèves mais alors que Sabrina a montré beaucoup de nudité bleue n'a même pas montrer ses seins mais un jour elle est allée sur la came et les godes est sorti. Je ne dis pas Rita est comme cela, mais beaucoup de BB concurrents prétendent qu'ils sont modestes pour stimuler la publicité quand ils ne vont nu. Quelle que soit la raison pour laquelle certains font passer brusquement de la modestie à l'ouverture. Et bien sûr, ne pas sous-estimer son être plus détendu au sujet de la nudité parce Vika (qui, contrairement à certaines personnes sur elle, je ne croyais était modeste) est maintenant la nudest fille RLC jamais avec Eliza certainement parmi les quelques-uns. Avec ces 2 dépenses tellement de temps nu, peut-être la nudité est devenue normalisée pour Rita. vous avez raison et je ne dirais pas encore ce que je pense de blue ici, pour ne pas risquer une nouvelle guerre de flamme!!!! blue qui se mets à faire de la pornographie sur internet, alors qu'elle était assez timide, me laisse sans voix. mais rita n'a rien a voir avec cette paumée d'extrême gauche!!! certainement que l'environnement de rita à changé quelque chose, je parle de la nudité permanente de vika et elisa. mais je reste étonné du changement soudain de cette fille, qui faisait toujours passer la suggestion, avant l'exhibition totale...... you are right and I do not say what I think of blue here, not to risk another flame war !!!! blue dishes that will make Internet pornography when she was quite shy, leaves me speechless. rita but has nothing to do with the extreme left clueless !!! rita certainly the environment to change anything, I mean the permanent nudity vika and Elisa. but I am surprised at the sudden change of this girl, who was always put the suggestion before the total exhibition ...... 3
cacjc Posted June 15, 2016 Posted June 15, 2016 Where did Rita the penis eater go? all her stuff is on the bed
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