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His mother is a hamster and his father smells of elderberries, but he has excellent taste in women and fine automobiles. :biggrin:

Here, we put up with an amazing selection of ideas and opinions.

Sa mère est un hamster et son père sentait sureau, mais il a un excellent goût des femmes et des belles automobiles. :biggrin:
Ici, nous avons mis en place avec une sélection d'idées et d'opinions.

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9 minutes ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

His mother is a hamster and his father smells of elderberries, but he has excellent taste in women and fine automobiles. :biggrin:

Here, we put up with an amazing selection of ideas and opinions.

Sa mère est un hamster et son père sentait sureau, mais il a un excellent goût des femmes et des belles automobiles. :biggrin:
Ici, nous avons mis en place avec une sélection d'idées et d'opinions.

i understand better now why you are more intellignent than TBG,congratulations to your parents for have made a good squirrel baby like you :biggrin:

je comprend mieux pourquoi tu es plus intellignent que TBG,felicitations à tes parents pour avoir eu un bon bébé écureuil comme toi :biggrin:

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That's funny clivebb. :biggrin:

My English ancestors hated the French side of the family, but they liked them more than the Irish side of the family!

Voilà clivebb drôle. :biggrin:

Mes ancêtres Anglais détestaient le côté français de la famille, mais ils les aimaient plus que le côté irlandais de la famille!

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1 hour ago, blue is the colour said:

If we reseach back far enough we are all something of this and that I am a bit of British Celt, Roman, Irish Celt, French Celt, German Saxon.... I call myself a White English African

because we all came out of Africa apparently.:biggrin:

If you dig back far enough. You will likely find that everyone in this World is a Spawn of Incest.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/20/2016 at 11:55 PM, euromike69 said:

Thank you Albacore,,the first time he came at me was when his name was either Bobbyjoe or Billyjoe from france,,,,,he said the same thing to me back then about why do I posts so many pics and videos,,and I only do it to be popular and for likes,,,does that even make any sense?

So if I post just like all the other posters do,,what do they post their photos and videos for then?,,,I swear these guys must work for RLC and are here to stop us from posting by causing trouble,  And as you see Clivebb still can't answer my question,  "HOW CAN YOU HATE ME WHEN I NEVER SAID OR DID ANYTHING BAD TO HIM EVER"

First of all, the none content posters should just be grateful that we have posted. Second, mikey, people are just like that. Somebody just randonly posted on the Leora board mentioning popcorn - I wonder if you can guess who.

Personally I post for 3 reasons:

1. I like posting and yes I indulge myself a bit with my adding text.

2. I would feel a little guilty if I did not contribute when I could and it is low risk for me

3. If I post then some kind people will reciprocate and send me material I otherwise would not see. Yes I make appeals on that basis and quite frankly it has worked. if I did not put the effort in, I do not think I would have got my rewards.

As for the popularity think, apart from being in the case of 3. a means to an end, I am well aware of how I could maximise likes but I do not do that. Sure it is nice to get them and slightly annoying if certain pictures that I think are good do not receive as much reputation as I think they deserve, but I tend to view likes as informative and a bonus not a raison d'etre. As for not living a life, I think you'll find I've done plenty with mine and have had more experiences than most people. Besides which I love watching RLC.

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On 5/21/2016 at 8:18 PM, blue is the colour said:

If we reseach back far enough we are all something of this and that I am a bit of British Celt, Roman, Irish Celt, French Celt, German Saxon.... I call myself a White English African

because we all came out of Africa apparently.:biggrin:

Indeed we are. Not only that but everyone outside Africa is descended from a few dozen people who crossed the Sinai - it's almost biblical. Further back we are all descended from 1 woman and possibly 1 man - again very biblical - so we are all brothers.

I'm very British (and Irish), although mainly Celt/Briton (not necessarily the same thing) rather than Anglo-Saxon/Norman but no doubt I will have a significant about of their DNA sequences in me. I've gone back 100s of years and have yet to find an ancestor from outside there isles.

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