HarleyFatboy Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 14 minutes ago, euromike69 said: They have an open relationship,,,Kristy gets to sleep with her Angels,,while Kami fucks the woodpecker and sleeps with this new cutie pie "Amber",,eventually they will realize just how much they really love each other and one night they will finally go all the way for my masturbating pleasure Sorry dude but I have to laugh my freaking ass off at this post......now who's dreaming lol 1
kzsjzkdjs Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 24 minutes ago, corboblanc said: you mean that because they are involved in rlc, they lose their right to any image and respect for their private life? !! and if unknown expose on the internet with their real names, they have the right to close their mouths and suffer in silence because they are filming a website few weeks? !! if I pursued this idea, a player or a footballer does not have the right to privacy because it is publicized in his profession? a movie actress should let drag in the mud, as she appeared nude in a movie? all these people have that plus the right to protect their children, their families, their loved ones, because they are publicized? a girl agrees to be filmed anonymously, but when someone exposes his true identity on the internet, it has nothing to say because if it wanted anonymity, she only had to live with the Tuareg in the Saharan desert? !!! indeed, our ethics is different !!! I can't believe you talk about respect of private life. each time a new girl come on RLC you are the first who try to get all the informations on her private life. 4
euromike69 Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 19 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said: Sorry dude but I have to laugh my freaking ass off at this post......now who's dreaming lol Harley,,my dreams always come true,,so stay tuned,,,when you see the photos of them scissoring and eating Kitty,,then you can say Mikey,,you are the man 2
HarleyFatboy Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 2 minutes ago, euromike69 said: Harley,,my dreams always come true,,so stay tuned,,,when you see the photos of them scissoring and eating Kitty,,then you can say Mikey,,you are the man I hope it pans out for you Mikey, I really do. Lord knows you've thrown enough money in their direction that something wonderful should happen lol. 1
StnCld316 Posted June 4, 2016 Author Posted June 4, 2016 20 minutes ago, corboblanc said: "If they wanted private life with no exposure then they would keep their shit private" vous voulez dire que parce qu'elles participent à rlc, elles perdent tout leur droit à l'image et tout respect de leur vie privée?!! et que si des inconnus les exposent sur internet avec leur vrais noms, elles n'ont que le droit de fermer leurs bouches et de subir en silence, parce qu'elles sont un site internet qui les filment quelques semaines?!! si je poursuit cette idée, un acteur ou un footballeur n'a pas le droit d'avoir de vie privée, car il est médiatisé dans son métier? une actrice de cinéma doit se laisser trainée dans la boue, car elle est apparue nue dans un film? tous ces gens n'ont dont plus le droit de protéger leur enfants, leur famille, leurs proches, parce qu'ils sont médiatisés? une fille accepte d'être filmée anonymement, mais quand quelqu'un expose sa véritable identité sur internet, elle n'a rien a dire car si elle voulais de l'anonymat, elle n'avait qu'à vivre avec les Touaregs dans le désert saharien?!!! effectivement, notre éthique est différente!!! "If They wanted private life with no exposure Then They Would keep shit Their private"you mean that because they are involved in rlc, they lose their right to any image and respect for their private life? !! and if unknown expose on the internet with their real names, they have the right to close their mouths and suffer in silence because they are filming a website few weeks? !! if I pursued this idea, a player or a footballer does not have the right to privacy because it is publicized in his profession? a movie actress should let drag in the mud, as she appeared nude in a movie? all these people have that plus the right to protect their children, their families, their loved ones, because they are publicized? a girl agrees to be filmed anonymously, but when someone exposes his true identity on the internet, it has nothing to say because if it wanted anonymity, she only had to live with the Tuareg in the Saharan desert? !!! indeed, our ethics is different !!! If any one of these girls posts a Picture to Facebook, VK, Instagram and any type of Social Media for all to see then what they Post becomes Public Domain. If they wished those Pictures to be Private then they should only share with people on their Friends List or just don't Post it all if they want such Privacy. As far as the Stalking thing, I have been on Cam Caps two and a half years and each time those girls walk out their door and come back in they are always in one piece and no harm has come their way from anything. After all they are Grown Adults and they are just as safe walking the streets as you and I. If you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time then that's the way life goes. There are certain things that cannot be posted such as Real Names, Addresses work places other than RLC or any links to websites where they Model and expose their true Identity. But like I said the Social Media thing what ever they post on a personal level for all to see becomes Public Domain. Currently at the Present Time our Rules that are set in place prevent any type of outside life from RLC from being posted. But in my Personal Opinion it's time to loosen the chain a little bit. 8
kzsjzkdjs Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 11 minutes ago, StnCld316 said: If any one of these girls posts a Picture to Facebook, VK, Instagram and any type of Social Media for all to see then what they Post becomes Public Domain. If they wished those Pictures to be Private then they should only share with people on their Friends List or just don't Post it all if they want such Privacy. As far as the Stalking thing, I have been on Cam Caps two and a half years and each time those girls walk out their door and come back in they are always in one piece and no harm has come their way from anything. After all they are Grown Adults and they are just as safe walking the streets as you and I. If you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time then that's the way life goes. There are certain things that cannot be posted such as Real Names, Addresses work places other than RLC or any links to websites where they Model and expose their true Identity. But like I said the Social Media thing what ever they post on a personal level for all to see becomes Public Domain. Currently at the Present Time our Rules that are set in place prevent any type of outside life from RLC from being posted. But in my Personal Opinion it's time to loosen the chain a little bit. posting in "all to see" don't mean people who post pictures allow someone to post their pictures in a public forum. 1
euromike69 Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 Kamila has her headphones in,,I'm keeping my fingers crossed,,and my lotion bottle and tissues ready,,but I might be getting blueballs tonight,,she may just be teasing lmaoo!!! 1
kenny1940 Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 great she got rid of the dead weight she can masturbate under the covers
vortios Posted June 5, 2016 Posted June 5, 2016 I do not intend to enter the game if you know or know I miss ... Let me tell you something that if ... is that people who live by their image, and these girls do, know and trade with their image and in most cases, also with their "private" lives. Post a picture on the internet, in any social network, has nothing private, is more, most of the information, it can be used by these companies so discrepcional, as cedes the rights of those images to these companies, the same, I guess what will happen with RLC. On the other hand ... When you go in any medium of communication, you have thousands of people who can recognize you, whether a neighbor, a childhood friend, etc. That's privacy? If you really want privacy, do not make an account on social networks, or public incriminating photos (the typical photo showing the back to make the funny) in them ... I say more, if they want that they know them, the more people better and be able, maybe in the future, get some great contracts with some brand models and to relaunch a career ... But I say, no conflict, I see things from my point of view and you from yours, which are diametrically opposed.
corboblanc Posted June 5, 2016 Posted June 5, 2016 Il y a 2 heures, didkovsky a dit : les parties drôles de ce genre de débat sont les suivants: pourrait un membre de cc pense qu'il peut jouer le rôle de protecteur de ces filles juste parce que son travail Internet harceleur est "extraordinaire" ?! pourrait ce genre de "protection" de lui faire tenir debout sur les hautes terres de la morale ?! qui es-tu, faux newbie pour me traiter de harceleur??!! de quel droit me traites-tu de harceleur? as-tu des preuves juridiques ou policières que j'ai un jour harcelé la moindre fille?!!! je constate que c'est la morale et l'interdit qui te choque!!! le simple fait d'avoir la tête sur les épaules et d'être prudent au sujet des filles, te dérange?!! le risque zéro tu connais?!!! le respect des autres tu connais?!! en quoi cela te regarde que j'identifie les filles d'un site internet pour m'occuper sur mon temps libre, et parce que j'aime l'enquête et la recherche!!! il est évident que l'éthique et la morale sont des termes sur lequel tu craches depuis ton enfance, certainement lié à une éducation laxiste et dépravée, qui te font aimer le trash et pisser sur toute loi ou autorité!!! je vais rester correct cette fois ci, mais cela me demande beaucoup d'effort!!! bienvenu sur le forum, le nouveau!!! who are you, false newbie to call me a stalker ?? !! what right do you treat me stalker? do you have any legal or police evidence that I once harassed any girl? !!! I see that it is the moral and forbids that shocks you !!! the mere fact of the head on your shoulders and be careful about girls bother you? !! zero risk you know? !!! respect for others you know? !! how that concern you that I identify the daughters of a website to take care of my free time, and because I love the investigation and search !!! it is clear that ethics and morals are terms on which you spit from your childhood, certainly linked to lax education and depraved, that make you love the trash and piss on any law or authority !!! I will stay okay this time, but it takes me a lot of effort !!! welcome to the forum, the new !!!
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