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Just now, corboblanc said:

eyh, connard!!! entre savoir et ne rien dire, et balancer les infos à des millions de tarés, je fais une énorme différence!!! garde ta morale de merde pour toi abruti, et va te coucher ou te pendre!!!!

eyh, asshole !!! between knowing and not say anything, and swing information to millions of nerds, I make a huge difference !!! keep your moral shit for you moron, and go to bed or hang yourself !!!!:lightbulb:

Merci de confirmer ce que je pensais de vous.

Votre langage m'éclaire amplement sur le niveau de dialogue que vous êtes capables d'apporter ainsi que sur le niveau d'argumentation dont vous faites preuve.

Rien ne me dit à ce jour que vous ne faites pas parti de ces millions de tarés (et je pèse mes mots), car il faut déjà un sacré grain pour chercher à se renseigner sur le lieu d'habitation de ces personnes.


Bien à vous.

  • Upvote 6

Lighten up guys, please. Respect the participants' personal boundaries on sharing private info, that's just courtesy.  

They choose to share themselves with us on this venue, we should be thankful :shy: 

  • Upvote 3
1 hour ago, vortios said:

I can not agree with his words, the video and some other there about these women (girls have nothing), moreover, these videos have been published in various public pages that anyone has free access. Unfortunately, nasty people who disrespects participants, and there will be. It is one thing to which every person engaged to work towards the public, and I mean actors, singers, athletes, models, and even politicians, are suffering. I can understand that this product (their owners) do not feel they have legal problems for some information that can be published here, even you may not like this publication, but as you can understand you, anyone can comment or suggest any information that you think is relevant about girls (always with respect) on RLC. On the other hand, I congratulate comrade who shared the video, personally to me, I do not dislike the video, but also give more importance, since we all know that girls have dedicated themselves at one time or another to be models (and there's always stuff "public") of the girls.

Thank you and I agree. Cordonblanc himself says, it is information managed by many, long time ago.  I know it.  I mention this info only to enrich and add something to the subject. It is not "personal" information. It is public information and is promoted by the same girls in their careers as models, actresses, etc. I do not understand the discontent of some... ok, its a "free?" world wideweb.

I want to add that although the information is public and managed by many, it is also true that there are new comrades who don't know these things. Knowing a little more makes them feel closer to the girls.

To close ... I'm not interested in recognition. I have not put my real name, I did not say if I am man or woman, I have not put my age, nothing.  I do not want to receive anything. I only seek add to healthy conversation.   If you want to enjoy it, good, and if not then, go ahead. Peace.

  • Upvote 2
il y a 27 minutes, Melvinzo a dit :

Merci de confirmer ce que je pensais de vous.

Votre langage m'éclaire amplement sur le niveau de dialogue que vous êtes capables d'apporter ainsi que sur le niveau d'argumentation dont vous faites preuve.

Rien ne me dit à ce jour que vous ne faites pas parti de ces millions de tarés (et je pèse mes mots), car il faut déjà un sacré grain pour chercher à se renseigner sur le lieu d'habitation de ces personnes.


Bien à vous.

oui, oui, pas de souci!!! pense ce que tu veux si cela te fait plaisir!!! je ne sais pas pourquoi des imbéciles dans ton genre, sont toujours là pour défendre ce qui est interdit!!! une vidéo privée permettant d'identifier une fille, est partagée, nous expliquons aimablement que les partages d'informations privées doivent se faire en privé, et il y a toujours un conard qui ne trouve pas cela normal, et qui vient énerver celui qui averti, en lui disant qu'il est plus dangereux que celui qui a donné le nom de kamila en public!!!! je vais t'éclairer un peu plus: espèce de trou du cul à la con!!!! "il est interdit de transmettre des informations privées sur les filles, sur ce forum"!!! hallo, tu as compris??? ouhhhouUUUU!!! il y a quelqu'un dans la tête???!!! les termes sont assez simples???? maintenant tu peux mettre les flammes si tu veux, ou fermer ta gueule, cela serai mieux!!! je pense que tu es encore un de ces conard frustrés qui reviens tenter de me pourrir la vie, en changeant le sujet de la discussion, pour me parler de mes propres recherches, on se demande pourquoi et ce que je viens faire dans l'histoire!!! je n'ai donc aucun respect pour ta gueule de con et je t'emmerde, bonne nuit....

yes, yes, no problem !!! think what you want if it makes you happy !!! I do not know why fools in your genre, are always there to defend what is prohibited !!! a private video to identify a girl, is shared, we kindly explain that private information sharing should take place in private, and there is always a git who do not find it normal, and just annoy one who warned , saying he is more dangerous than the one who gave the name of kamila in public !!!! I will enlighten you a little more: asshole kind to con !!!! "It is forbidden to transmit private information about the girls on this forum" !!! hallo, you understand ??? ouhhhouUUUU !!! there is someone in the head ??? !!! the words are simple enough ???? Now you can put the flames if you like, or shut the fuck up, it will be better !!! I think you're still one of those that come back frustrated conard attempt to rot my life, changing the topic of discussion, to talk about my own research, one wonders why and what I have done in history !!! so I have no respect for your mouth cunt and fuck you, good night ....

  • Upvote 1
il y a 4 minutes, camPTY a dit :

Je vous remercie et je suis d' accord. Cordonblanc dit lui - même, il est géré par des informations il y a beaucoup, beaucoup de temps. Je sais cela. Je mentionne cette information seulement pour enrichir et ajouter quelque chose à ce sujet. Il est pas d' informations "personnelles". Il est l' information du public et est favorisée par les mêmes filles dans leur carrière en tant que modèles, actrices, etc. Je ne comprends pas le mécontentement de certains ... ok, son un "libre?" Internet.

Je tiens à ajouter que , même si l'information est publique et gérée par un grand nombre, il est vrai aussi qu'il ya des nouveaux camarades qui ne connaissent pas ces choses. Connaissant un peu plus ils se sentent plus proches des filles.

Pour fermer ... Je ne suis pas intéressé la reconnaissance . Je ne l' ai pas mis mon vrai nom, je ne dis pas si je suis homme ou une femme, je ne l' ai pas mis mon âge, rien. Je ne veux pas recevoir quoi que ce soit. Je cherche seulement ajouter à la conversation en bonne santé. Si vous voulez en profiter, bon, et si pas alors, allez - y. Paix.

je suis sûr de votre bonne volonté, mais il vous suffit de lire les remerciements, pour comprendre que vous venez de donner kamila à plein d'internautes qui ne l'avaient pas!!! avec cette video, il faut 3 secondes à n'importe quel novice, pour identifier kamila, puis kristy, puis les guest, puis plein d'autres participantes rlc amies de kalmila!!!! grâce à cette vidéo, vous venez de livrez au moins 8 filles participantes de rlc!!!! les informations personnelles se donnent en privé!!!

I'm sure your good will, but simply read thanks to understand that you just give kamila full of users who had not !!! with this video, it takes 3 seconds at any novice to identify kamila and kristy, then the guest and many other participating rlc friends kalmila !!!! thanks to this video, you just deliver at least 8 participating girls rlc !!!! personal information are given in private !!!

  • Upvote 2

Link was removed. Let's move on.
There is no sense in fighting or arguing about it.

Personally, I hate that Rule against posting vids and pix from outside sources, but it's necessary.


  • Upvote 2
38 minutes ago, corboblanc said:

yes, yes, no problem !!! think what you want if it makes you happy !!! I do not know why fools in your genre, are always there to defend what is prohibited !!! a private video to Identify a girl, is shared, we kindly explain That private information sharing shoulds take place in private, and there is always a git Who do not find normal it, and just annoy one Who Warned, Saying he is more dangerous than the one Who gave the name of kamila in public !!!! I will enlighten you a little more: asshole kind to con !!!! "it is forbidden to private Transmitted information about the girls on this forum" !!! hallo, you Understand ??? ouhhhouUUUU !! ! There is someone in the head ??? !!! The words are easy enough ???? Now you can put the flames if you like, or shut the fuck up, it will be better !!! I think you're One of Those That still frustrated comeback conard Attempt to rot my life, changing the topic of discussion to talk about my own research, one wonders why and what I have done in history !!! so I have no respect for your mouth cunt and fuck you, good night ....

yes, yes, no problem !!! think what you want if it makes you happy !!! I do not know why fools in your genre, are always there to defend what is prohibited !!! a private video to Identify a girl, is shared, we kindly explain That private information sharing shoulds take place in private, and there is always a git Who do not find normal it, and just annoy one Who Warned , Saying he is more dangerous than the one Who gave the name of kamila in public !!!! I will enlighten you a little more: asshole kind to con !!!! "it is forbidden to private Transmitted information about the girls on this forum" !!! hallo, you Understand ??? ouhhhouUUUU !! ! There is someone in the head ??? !!! The words are easy enough ???? Now you can put the flames if you like, or shut the fuck up, it will be better !!! I think you're One of Those That still frustrated comeback conard Attempt to rot my life, changing the topic of conversation to talk about my own research, one wonders why and what I have done in history !!! so I have no respect for your mouth cunt and fuck you, good night ....

corboblanca I am very Proud of you  protective adult person I wish Every one here protect underage with the pajamas at the Voyeur website

  • Upvote 1
2 hours ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

Link was removed. Let's move on.
There is no sense in fighting or arguing about it.

Personally, I hate that Rule against posting vids and pix from outside sources, but it's necessary.


Can you honestly explain why?  I'm talking about explaining it to the forum!  Personally, I don't see the problem with posting anything that anybody can find on the internet.  I like Corbo allot, but he said something that really got to me in a post earlier.   He said that any novice can find any of these girls on the net within a few seconds.   What I believe he should have said, is any novice that has friends that talk to these girls and spend hours searching for them, could find out about any of these girls within seconds.   The rule is a bogus rule due to some people that treat these girls like their own daughters......not like the kind of girls that don't give a flying squirrel that they are posting every part of their life on the internet.   I like most of these girls just like the rest of you, but I'm tired of this forum hiding the truth behind these girls.   I'm not the only person to see that they are so guarded, and for what?l   If the forum was more open and people told it like it was about these girls, it would be a much better forum.   I know there is allot of members of this forum that can understand every word of what these girls say, but they don't say shit about what's going on!   I have to ask myself why!

If members of this forum really wanted to hurt these girls, I'm pretty damn sure that would have happened many times by now!!     Like Corbo said earlier, any novice could find out what they need to within seconds on these girls........total crock of BS right there.   I'm not a novice to computers and I'm not the best searcher of information when it comes to the internet, but I guarantee you that NO novice is going to find shit out about these girls and even if they did.....are they going to go hurt them???    HELL NO!!

The rule sucks and that's the bottom line.    There are multiple members of this forum that share all the information on these girls with each other by PM's on a daily basis.....it's not a single person doing it.   When someone finds something on the internet about these girls and brings it to the forum, they get the eyeballs fucked out of them!   It's public information and should be allowed......you people need to take a chill pill if you firmly believe that members of this forum are out to hurt these girls!    What about girls (these girls) that leave their apartment at all times of the morning and come back well after daylight, are they scared there might be a fucking stalker that is trying to hurt them out there.....the obvious answer is HELL NO!!   If they were worried about it they wouldn't leave the apartment!!

Sorry all......I'm just tired of there being double standards on this forum!!

  • Upvote 4

One last thing about this crap......it's like the handful of people that are all a member of this special group, think that all the rest of the forum members are a piece of crap, that the rest of the forum members just want to hurt these girls, that they are nothing but stalkers, where in turn the true stalkers (CC members) are this handful of people that spend all their time stalking them!

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