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Sofia - Split 2


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Never fear H2P is here. Wassup my peeps? My business computer is down right now so here I am. Lesson learned for the tenth time, if something ain't broke don't upgrade to a new OS. So now I just sits and pervs on that scrumptious, bootylicious, boobtastic one named Bella by some Boobie by others, lol. Still loving the apartment but wish they would change some of the camera angles.

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Okay so she slipped up once I can let that slide but you know why she doesn't have sex with anyone else? It's me. I am her online fling that she doesn't know about. You can tell she is into me when she sleeps. She tosses and turns dreaming of me. I can tell she is dreaming of me when her hands go down, down and down where is stops nobody knows, really nobody knows, he he. When she showers and gets a huge smile on her face remembering the time we never showered together but had a awesome time together anyway. Oh for sure, yes it's all me.This is 100% true but may have been fabricated 100% just to make it sound good. See this is what happens when my computer is down, I ramble on out of boredom. Besides no one else is saying anything, lol.

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