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Leora & Paul - General Chat For This Apartment (2016)

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5 hours ago, robur said:

Ok, I know RLC is Most Likely blocked in Russia. But what about various porn sites? Just do a quick google search for "Leora masturbating videos" or "Leora sex videos" and you'll find plenty working sites / videos anyone can watch even in Russia. Sure, if RLC is blocked over there, then It Should not come to anyone's mind in Russia (or Czech Republic etc.) and to try out google Leora's videos, Because They simply would not know That there is such a thing as Leora's videos. But Leora and Paul (and / or other couples) get visitors and the visitors must be informed about the cameras. Now, if I had a hot female friend who would tell me That she has cameras all over her appartment, my perverted mind would go places and the first thing I'd do at home would be to search for videos of said friend. And if I found some, the word would spread. 
I'm not really sure where I'm going with this, but I guess I want to hear your opinions on "Do they really not care That All of Their friends / family / future employers may be watching them wanking and fucking?". 

Have any of you people ever given a thought That perhaps Leora may read this forum, have you never given any thought about her feelings, Many of you talk about her as if she is just a cheap whore, how wrong you all are, Academically she would loose most of us, she does do not Appear on RLC for bonuses as some of you imagine, she came onto RLC as part of a project of everyday people, and everyday people behave and do things as individuals, she chooses to be naked if she wants and has sex if she wants, just as all normal people do, We do not own her or control her, she is her own person and as such does what she wants to do if and when she wants. Also by the way she is qualified in many other things, and does charity work and animal rights projects. I  have never known a girl who has achieved so much to be subject to such unfair criticism. Leave the girl alone.

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It has been stated in the past in this forum that Leora's mother passed away when Leora was in her early teens. Also stated she stays in contact with her father and is in contact with him on a regular basis. This information came out early in Leora and Paul's becoming part of RLC. Personal information got out of control and has been made a rule of CamCaps such info is not to be made for public record. Speculation could be nulled if one would take the time to educate one self by reading the archives that CamCaps has made available for one to see.

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Il y a 4 heures, robur a dit :

Ok, donc RLC est très probablement bloqué en Russie. Mais qu'en divers sites pornos? Il suffit de faire une recherche rapide sur Google pour "Leora masturbant vidéos" ou "Leora vidéos de sexe» et vous trouverez beaucoup de travail sites / vidéos tout le monde peut regarder même en Russie. Bien sûr, si RLC est bloqué là - bas, alors il ne devrait pas venir à l'esprit de quiconque en Russie (ou République tchèque , etc.) pour essayer de google sur les vidéos de Leora, car ils seraient tout simplement savent pas qu'il existe une telle chose comme Leora de vidéos. Mais Leora et Paul (et / ou d' autres couples) obtiennent les visiteurs et les visiteurs doivent être informés sur les caméras. Maintenant, si je devais une amie chaude qui me dire qu'elle a des caméras partout dans son appartement, mon esprit perverti serait aller dans des endroits et la première chose que je ferais à la maison serait de rechercher des vidéos dudit ami. Et si je trouvais un peu, le mot se répandrait. 
Je ne suis pas vraiment sûr où je vais avec cela, mais je suppose que je veux entendre vos opinions sur " Est -ce qu'ils se soucient pas vraiment que tous leurs amis / famille / futurs employeurs regardent peut - être les masturbant et putain?". 

I absolutely agree with you, and your questions are interesting and legitimate !!! Indeed, even if rlc was blocked in some countries, it is easy to type leora in Google, to find all its photos and videos !!! The participants must also warn their visitors that they will be filmed, and thus explain the concept to them !!! Obviously, if we knew a couple who tell us that they are permanently filmed by cameras live on the internet, we would all see or do research !!! Many of the Russian participants are university students, one imagines then how fast the information spreads on a campus !!!!! I do not know how the participants manage the fact that their friends and relatives see them naked or sex, or how this will not hurt them in their future careers, and I'm not sure they actually measure the impact of Their action !!!! Some say that leora is natural, yes, more than other, but she masturbates nevertheless for the cameras and made shows to preserve her audience! So there is a share of natural, but also a share of business !!!! It is also necessary to take into account that Russia is a country that generates enormous pornographic actresses, because life is difficult for a young woman, and porn is a sure way to earn money, and sometimes maintain her family! !! The Russians have another approach to pornography, they are accustomed to it and are less shocked !!! I'm more worried about a Spanish girl like adriana, who must start to be known in her work !!! Will Annabel have a great career as a musician, having porn on the internet? Many unanswered questions ...

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14 minutes ago, corboblanc said:

I absolutely agree with you, and your questions are interesting and legitimate !!! Indeed, even if rlc was blocked in some countries, it is easy to type leora in Google, to find all its photos and videos !!! The participants must also warn their visitors that they will be filmed, and thus explain the concept to them !!! Obviously, if we knew a couple who tell us that they are permanently filmed by cameras live on the internet, we would all see or do research !!! Many of the Russian participants are university students, one imagines then how fast the information spreads on a campus !!!!! I do not know how the participants manage the fact that their friends and relatives see them naked or sex, or how this will not hurt them in their future careers, and I'm not sure they actually measure the impact of Their action !!!! Some say that leora is natural, yes, more than other, but she masturbates nevertheless for the cameras and made shows to preserve her audience! So there is a share of natural, but also a share of business !!!! It is also necessary to take into account that Russia is a country that generates enormous pornographic actresses, because life is difficult for a young woman, and porn is a sure way to earn money, and sometimes maintain her family! !! The Russians have another approach to pornography, they are accustomed to it and are less shocked !!! I'm more worried about a Spanish girl like adriana, who must start to be known in her work !!! Will Annabel have a great career as a musician, having porn on the internet? Many unanswered questions ...

giusta osservazione ce pure il discorso della mentalità riguardo certe cose dei vari paesi :) .....giusta anche conclusione tante domande poche risposte ahahahahah 

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Sans parler de moralité, je me demande si au final de nos jours c'est si grave que çà si quelqu'un a été filmé de son plein gré dans son intimité. Cela n'a strictement rien à voir mais quand je vois que Kim Kardashian est devenu célèbre à partir du jour que sa vidéo porno privée a éclaté au grand jour, je m'autorise à penser que finalement les mentalités ont peut-être changées et pas qu'en Europe de l'est.

Not to mention morality, I wonder if at the final these days, it is so serious that if someone was filmed of his own free will in his intimacy. It is very different but when I see that Kim Kardashian became famous from the day that his private porn video broke into the internet, I allow myself to think that ultimately the mentalities may have changed and not only in Eastern Europe.

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il y a 9 minutes, phantomcapsnet a dit :

Sans parler de moralité, je me demande si au final de nos jours c'est si grave que çà si quelqu'un a été filmé de son plein gré dans son intimité. Cela n'a strictement rien à voir mais quand je vois que Kim Kardashian est devenu célèbre à partir du jour que sa vidéo porno privée a éclaté au grand jour, je m'autorise à penser que finalement les mentalités ont peut-être changées et pas qu'en Europe de l'est.

Not to mention morality, I wonder if at the final these days, it is so serious that if someone was filmed of his own free will in his intimacy. It is very different but when I see that Kim Kardashian became famous from the day that his private porn video broke into the internet, I allow myself to think that ultimately the mentalities may have changed and not only in Eastern Europe.

oui, enfin il faut pas non plus prendre la bassesse en exemple!!! certains pays sont capables de rendre des chiennes hardcore millionnaires, comme miley cyrus!!!je pense aussi qu'il y a une différence entre un couple qui est filmé au quotidien en faisant du sexe, et une actrice porno qui sert de vide-couilles dégueulasse et est rabaissée par toute l'humanité....

Yes, we must not take the baseness as an example! Some countries are able to make bitches hardcore millionaires like miley cyrus !!!
I also think that there is a difference between a couple who is filmed on a daily basis by making sex, and a porn actress who serves as a vide-ball disgusts and is belittled by all mankind ....

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7 minutes ago, corboblanc said:

oui, enfin il faut pas non plus prendre la bassesse en exemple!!! certains pays sont capables de rendre des chiennes hardcore millionnaires, comme miley cyrus!!!je pense aussi qu'il y a une différence entre un couple qui est filmé au quotidien en faisant du sexe, et une actrice porno qui sert de vide-couilles dégueulasse et est rabaissée par toute l'humanité....

Yes, we must not take the baseness as an example! Some countries are able to make bitches hardcore millionaires like miley cyrus !!!
I also think that there is a difference between a couple who is filmed on a daily basis by making sex, and a porn actress who serves as a vide-ball disgusts and is belittled by all mankind ....


Je n'insisterai pas sur ce point car c'est hors sujet. Qu'on l'aime ou qu'on ne l'aime pas Kim Kardashian a bâti toute sa fortune sur sa notoriété, et une notoriété mondiale C'est triste mais c'est comme ça. Je suis contraint de constater que le monde a changé.

Bref revenons à Leora :biggrin:

I will not insist on this point because it is off topic. Whether we like it or do not like it Kim Kardashian has built all his fortune on his notoriety, and a worldwide reputation. It's sad but it's like that. I am forced to see that the world has changed.

Briefly back to Leora  :biggrin:

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2 hours ago, scutus said:

It has been stated in the past in this forum that Leora's mother passed away when Leora was in her early teens. Also stated she stays in contact with her father and is in contact with him on a regular basis. This information came out early in Leora and Paul's becoming part of RLC. Personal information got out of control and has been made a rule of CamCaps such info is not to be made for public record. Speculation could be nulled if one would take the time to educate one self by reading the archives that CamCaps has made available for one to see.

scutus, the the same old problem with newbie's they post on something they know little or nothing about, without as you say looking at the archived postings first, thus gaining some in site into Forum's history of events

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3 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

Have any of you people ever given a thought That perhaps Leora may read this forum

Actually, that would be the best if she did and if she replied. Because everything we say here is just our opinions, our speculations. 
There's no need to get excited about the discussion I've started this morning. I certainly didn't criticise Leora, or anyone else from the other appartments. If you were walking down the street naked and I asked you why and you explained, that wouldn't be criticism from me, it would be pure curiosity. By saying "I couldn't do it" I'm not saying "You (or they) shouldn't do it". It's their lives, I'm just wondering what others think about it, that's all. 


3 hours ago, scutus said:

Speculation could be nulled if one would take the time to educate one self by reading the archives that CamCaps has made available for one to see.

Scutus, that's true, and yes, I'm guilty of not having read the rules or the archives. I would always read everything everywhere, if I had all the time in the world, and then I'd be extremely well educated. But I don't, hence I'm not. And even if I learned about Leora's mums death, which I didn't know about, it still wouldn't have answered all my questions, for example the one about future employers. And I really don't care about Leora's (or anyone else's) personal information, like exact location, family names, whatever. I don't think that wondering generally about the relations within her (or anyone else's) family really counts as prying personal information. 


2 hours ago, corboblanc said:

I'm more worried about a Spanish girl like adriana, who must start to be known in her work !!! Will Annabel have a great career as a musician, having porn on the internet? Many unanswered questions ...

Corboblanc, exactly! I don't know what Adriana studies, but let's say that one day she comes to me for a job interview. If I was looking for e.g. a secretary, who would just do her office work for me, and she told me about some videos of her on the internet, I wouldn't care, as long as she gets the job done. But if she was looking for a job, for example, as a spokesperson or something similar, I probably couldn't hire her, because I would have to judge the impact that those videos would have on the image of the company, when the public would find out about them. That's just how our society works. So I'd really like to know in the future (of course I won't know) how the people from the appartments deal with this. There's also the chance that with so much porn and nudity on the internet today, all the videos from RLC will be simply forgotten in a couple of years. They will still be out there, but lost in the massive amounts of other porn. Who knows?

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robur, the majority of the videos get taken down for copy write infringement by what is called DMCA take down orders, especially on the popular porn sites. Those who make the original also get banned for life from RLC. Yes you can find videos, but we here CC are sure that RLC has a team of professionals constantly searching the web and sending out DMCA take down orders, also I might add that most of the ones seen are bootlegged  copy's of poor quality, and only out to get pay for clicks for the poster, and usually loaded with tons of spam and viruses.

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49 minutes ago, Newark52 said:

scutus, the the same old problem with newbie's they post on something they know little or nothing about, without as you say looking at the archived postings first, thus gaining some in site into Forum's history of events

Guys, sorry again, I do realize that I'm probably not the first person in the history of camcaps to bring this up. But as I said, I just don't have the time to go through several years' archives hoping that maybe I find something of interest, if I'm lucky. Even more so when the questions raised are more of a general nature and pertain to all the people in the RLC appartmens - whose archives should I go through, then? All of them? I can't take a one-year holiday. 

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3 minutes ago, robur said:

Guys, sorry again, I do realize that I'm probably not the first person in the history of camcaps to bring this up. But as I said, I just don't have the time to go through several years' archives hoping that maybe I find something of interest, if I'm lucky. Even more so when the questions raised are more of a general nature and pertain to all the people in the RLC appartmens - whose archives should I go through, then? All of them? I can't take a one-year holiday. 

robur, may I suggest just a quick look through some of the archived General Chat threads should do the trick, and it won't be life changing as long as you ignore the one's that are abusive to the tenants, and please don't take this the wrong way it make a change for someone to ask

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