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Voyeur-House.TV - Part 1

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Just now, golfer06 said:

so artur was stealing $ & fucking rose as a bonus. that fucking loser should be locked up along with the brother that threw out josh & silvia!!!!

Artur was the manager ?


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1 minute ago, Amy3 said:

What a nasty business this whole thing is. I'm out! Headed to Hawaii for the week. See ya my lovlies! Aloha! 🌸💋

What the heck do you do in Hawaii.. every damn week you are there ?

Something's Fishy ??


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1 hour ago, Voyeur House TV said:

Hi Everyone,

We have an update on what happened today at these apartments.

As per previous discussions within mentioned threads and others, some people pointed out the lack of money participants get living in these Houses, including discussions about Silvia & Josh. We refuted these accusations in this post, but yet mentioned, that investigation may be run on this case to detect if these accusations come true. After some time, we found out that local managers, hired by Alex&Lina to maintain all the Houses and participant's supplies at the place, failed to pay out adequate amount of money to participants living over there. We at VHTV consider this unacceptable and made clear to the persons within local management, that this can't be done and they need to compensate the amount held to participants and never ever continue doing so. They didn't agree with us and expressed the will to continue doing as they want without complying with our rules.

Based on this event we made decision to shut down these two Houses + Pool area until we make sure that our participants are safe and we got new location for them to move in. As for now, they generally can't stay at the old place as local managers forced to move them out.

We are sorry for inconvenience it may bring to you, but we must provide security and stable conditions of living to the participants from these Houses before we turn them back on from new locations. Be aware, it may take from one to three weeks to re-establish these Houses at new places and, probably, with some changes within participants.

VHTV thanks all the users who were concerned with this situation and pointed out the problem we haven't noticed on time. Special thanks to @groomy, @jabbath1987 and @Amy3 who were, and continue, being the most active on this and other cases.

Please stay updated either via our Twitter, newsletters and blog entries (actual news are located in website header), and here, in this topic.

Dear mods and admins, please lock the threads mentioned above until these apartments come back online at Voyeur-House.TV.


@StnCld316 FYI...

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I think VH-TV is getting played big time here, they need to look at the Silvia & Josh  and the Jess & Sam  thing a little closer because there is one thing here they have in common and it is not sub managers 

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51 minutes ago, Refur said:

Eu acho que isso também se aplica a Silvia e Josh e eu recomendaria que todo o seu caso faria uma atenção especial




1 hour ago, Refur said:

I guess that this also applies to Silvia and Josh and I would recommend that their whole case would get special attention



I will not even look at what we have above in the forum below this post./ on this topic.
Just something to watch.
I did not swallow the "attempted" theft of the cams and for this reason I was no longer following this complex as I had done before. I do not need to reinforce since my posts signaled this before and after.

Neither Josth, whom he accompanied almost on the other spot, let alone Silvia, signaled this possible profile.

But evidently something was wrong and directly responsible for the sequences and incident involving both that followed.

End of my speech.

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25 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

What a nasty business this whole thing is. I'm out! Headed to Hawaii for the week. See ya my lovlies! Aloha! 🌸💋

great for you have a nice weekend full of ....... relax:biggrin:

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17 minutes ago, Russ said:

I think VH-TV is getting played big time here, they need to look at the Silvia & Josh  and the Jess & Sam  thing a little closer because there is one thing here they have in common and it is not sub managers 

Yes! They have in common two or three things> S & J for your identification, "criminal" profile (?) And belong to or belong to the same management matrix.

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13 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Let's just say that it's good to be the princess. When I get treated as such, good things happen. 💗

Yeah..enjoy and here I am having not taken a vacation in let's say...10 years



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You say local managment but surely the buck stops at Alex and Lina. Don't forget it was them that had the problem with Jess and Sam also trying to steal the cameras because of payment issues, there was no "local" manager their just A&L.  I think you are too trusting of what they are telling you.  These problems whether they are caused by A&L or not ultimately show that these people are not the type of persons you should be working with - in fact I genuinely think that they are taking you for fools.

I hope that you can find places for these kids too, they are pretty young and they've been fucked over even more by A&L compared to us the viewers or even yourselves at VH.

I think you should give them business advice to set themselves up as managers of only themselves (in seperate apartments per couple) and definitely try to get Josh and Silvia back as it was obvious from the start that they had a valid argument and were done wrong by the "local" manager and Alex and Lina.

Time to show some management skills VH and help the people who perform to make your business successful.

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