Daryalok Posted January 2, 2016 Posted January 2, 2016 Wait.. Do you guys think this is not real? That this is just a very good animation? Because other than that, then it is real. If she fakes for the cam is another thing entirely but it is real.. Real fake or real non-fake. My 2c is on real-non fake as you could clearly see her building just as BM mentioned. :)
legrandrobert Posted January 2, 2016 Posted January 2, 2016 Irma just went in the toilet room with her phone why the phone ?
legrandrobert Posted January 2, 2016 Posted January 2, 2016 She was ther only 15 seconds, why bring the phone ? Is she affraid Anna will see her pictures ?
canito Posted January 2, 2016 Posted January 2, 2016 she be watching a movie but idont worry if irma is going to do anything she wont hide she will do it in the open since shes been here you can tell she doesnt hide for nothing.
euromike69 Posted January 2, 2016 Posted January 2, 2016 Hold your horses young man,don't you mean second best after a certain person whose name rhymes with Cheetah lmaoo!! :yes: :yes: :hugnkiss: :haha: You mean she's the best right now,and I totally agree 100% :woohoo: :woohoo: First off let me say that you guys need to get out more!! This is how I feel about Irma... Well we were rollin' down the road in some cold blue steel, I had a Irma in the front, and a banker at the wheel. We're going downtown in the middle of the night We was laughing and I'm jokin' and we feelin' alright. Oh she's bad, she's nationwide. Yes she's bad, she's nationwide. Irma, you are the best thing that ever happened to this apartment!!!
Frankster Posted January 2, 2016 Posted January 2, 2016 Irma just went in the toilet room with her phone why the phone ? I play on my phone when I'm on the toilet, so whats wrong with that? Just sit and look at the wall?
ApeApeMan Posted January 2, 2016 Posted January 2, 2016 First off let me say that you guys need to get out more!! This is how I feel about Irma... Well we were rollin' down the road in some cold blue steel, I had a Irma in the front, and a banker at the wheel. We're going downtown in the middle of the night We was laughing and I'm jokin' and we feelin' alright. Oh she's bad, she's nationwide. Yes she's bad, she's nationwide. Irma, you are the best thing that ever happened to this apartment!!! I totally agree with this. I don't care for the teasers.. Irma is a pleaser! "She is built and she knows how to please! Ohhh Shes a Brick... House!
ApeApeMan Posted January 2, 2016 Posted January 2, 2016 I love that Irma doesn't seem the least bit uncomfortable after the failed attempt to seduce Anna the night before last. Irma was back to rubbing one off in her room last night as Anna was laying in her bed in the dark looking at the cameras.
See Posted January 2, 2016 Posted January 2, 2016 I play on my phone when I'm on the toilet, so whats wrong with that? Just sit and look at the wall? I take always two mobile devices to toilet, so that I am able to see what's happening in RLC :D
corboblanc Posted January 2, 2016 Posted January 2, 2016 I totally agree with this. I don't care for the teasers.. Irma is a pleaser! "She is built and she knows how to please! Ohhh Shes a Brick... House! irma est une fille qui a débarqué sur rlc pour montrer son cul!!! elle est vulgaire et sans aucun sexappeal!!! son nom sera aussi vite oublié que sa présence!!! dès la reprise des caméras, elle se branlait sous la douche. rien de naturel, elle ondule son cul en regardant les caméras, ont est sur chaturbate!!! rien a voir avec les autres participantes qui nous ont fait rêver!!! si vous aimez vous branler sur de la bitch, vous êtes dans le bon appartement, mais tout cela n'a rien a voir avec le voyeurisme, et est une insulte à toutes les participantes précédentes, qui nous ont partagées leur sensualité et leurs véritables vies!!! cet appartement n'a plus aucun intérêt, depuis le départ de nora et des véritables résidentes, qui nous partageaient de temps en temps de beaux et réels moments.... Irma is a girl who landed on rlc to show her ass !!! is vulgar and without sexappeal !!! his name will be forgotten as quickly as his presence !!! upon the resumption of the cameras, she shook in the shower. nothing natural, she sways her ass watching the cameras have chaturbate is on !!! nothing to do with the other participants who made us dream !!! if you like jerk on the bitch, you're in the right apartment, but this has nothing to do with voyeurism and is an insult to all previous participants, who shared us their sensuality and their real lives !!! this apartment has no interest, since the departure of nora and true resident, who shared from time to time beautiful and actual moments .... ??? :-[ :'(
See Posted January 2, 2016 Posted January 2, 2016 Irma is a girl who landed on rlc to show her ass !!! is vulgar and without sexappeal !!! his name will be forgotten as quickly as his presence !!! upon the resumption of the cameras, she shook in the shower. nothing natural, she sways her ass watching the cameras have chaturbate is on !!! nothing to do with the other participants who made us dream !!! if you like jerk on the bitch, you're in the right apartment, but this has nothing to do with voyeurism and is an insult to all previous participants, who shared us their sensuality and their real lives !!! this apartment has no interest, since the departure of nora and true resident, who shared from time to time beautiful and actual moments .... ??? :-[ :'( Well said! It's nice to see that I'm not alone with my opinions. I really hope that RLC was not aware what they hired, and will be back to the past after Irma.
corboblanc Posted January 2, 2016 Posted January 2, 2016 Well said! It's nice to see that I'm not alone with my opinions. I really hope that RLC was not aware what they hired, and will be back to the past after Irma. bordel de merde!!! parfois il faut pousser un coup de gueule!!!! fuck shit !!! sometimes you have to push a rant !!!! :D :D :lmao: :lmao:
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