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        (((((((((((((((((NEWS FLASH)))))))))))))(((((((((((((((((NEWS FLASH))))))))))))))))))))                                                 

                                                        RLC  presented by CC NEWS

Party at Carla's and Mario's. Big time drunk coming. Pretty Ladies playing Drinking games. Lots of whiskey.

                        Horny Guys watch gorgeous girls get drunk and talk them into playing strip poker.

                                              Horny girls doing erotic dancing nude and live.

                                                Huge Orgy planned to go on until daylight

                                Guaranteed to have fun unlike the sponsors at the girls apartment

                              No computers,No I-pads, just people socializing, it's simply amazing

This message was brought to you by NEW ELECTRONICS EROTICISM CORPORATION A Division Of Apple Electronics Corp

                                                                                That is all

I think this is called false advertising. lol

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So if in fact all the posts indicate the girls earn from 1000 to 2000 euro's a month for being in the apartment naked or half naked. Here are the statistics for avg. wage earned in Spain:

Spain Average Nominal Monthly Wage  2000-2016 | Data | Chart | Calendar

Wages in Spain decreased to 1809.88 EUR/Month in the third quarter of 2015 from 1941.74 EUR/Month in the second quarter of 2015. Wages in Spain averaged 1687.41 EUR/Month from 2000 until 2015, reaching an all time high of 2020.13 EUR/Month in the fourth quarter of 2011 and a record low of 1264.36 EUR/Month in the first quarter of 2000. Wages in Spain is reported by the Spain National Statistics Institute.

Plus what ever they earn on the side doing their thing with whoever or whatever while they are there, they are making some damn good money.

They certainly are  not earning the same amount as the other apartments that actually do full and complete nudity along uninhabited sex of all kinds without reserve. Some of them have been performing at much higher standards than these girls in this apartment recently.

We are getting screwed by these teasers

RLC give the work the Spanish girls right there in Barcelona, I am sure those young Spaniards would know how to please a man and not just be a friggen teaser all the time. I actually know that for a fact as for the last 4 years I have worked for a company called ABENGOA with it's corporate headquarters in Madrid so you have to believe Ii have worked with incredibly hot women from Spain, they could use probably use the employment more than these teaser women you have brought to us lately from Russia, and certainly would appreciate it much more I am sure of that.  :hugnkiss: to the women of R&D/Lab I miss you  all you incredible ladies.

BTW Abengoa has filed for bankruptcy protection and has laid off 40% of the 29,000 employee's world wide. If they fail it will Spain's second largest bankruptcy and will most definitely affect the economy of Spain.


même si cet appartement ne m'intéresse plus, depuis le départ de nora et des "vraies" participantes, je me permet de vous dire, que je suis peiné par le comportement de beaucoup de membres cc, qui ont comme nouvelle cible "ilona"!!! après nora, voilà que ilona est, la nouvelle participante à abattre!!!! la voilà, comme nora, responsable de tout ce qui ne va pas!!!! comme un morceau de viande qui n'a plus de saveur, beaucoup demande son départ, pour la remplacer par une nouvelle chair fraiche!!! cela fait pourtant plusieurs semaines que ilona est le centre d'intérêt de beaucoup de membres sur cc!!! la plupart des post, monopolisé par le moindre de ses faits et gestes!!! et voici qu'aujourd'hui, votre muse ne vous intéresse plus, et que vous demandez son départ!!!? elle vous a pourtant offert toute sa nudité!!! peut-être n'est-elle pas assez lesbienne?? pas assez de sexe avec elle?!!! nora déjà, était la responsable que les filles ne se mangeaient pas la chatte entre elles!!! si kami n'a pas léché kristy, c'était la faute de nora!! si coco et rita n'ont pas léché milana, c'était à cause de nora!!! et maintenant, c'est ilona le maillon à éliminer?!!! votre seule excitation sexuelle est-elle l'homosexualité???  lorsque rlc ne proposera que du porno déluré, ce ne sera plus rlc!!! désolé de m'ennerver sur certains d'entre vous, mais je suis choquer de certaines déclarations!!!!

although this apartment no longer interests me, since the departure of nora and "real" participants, I allow myself to say that I am saddened by the behavior of many in CC, who as new target "ilona" !!! after nora, now ilona is the new participant to shoot !!!! here it is, as nora, responsible for everything that's wrong !!!! like a piece of meat that has more flavor, many request his departure, and replace it with a new fresh meat !!! Yet it made several weeks ilona is the focus of many members of CC !!! most post, monopolized by any of his actions !!! and here today, your muse no longer interests you, and you ask her departure? !!! Yet it offered all its nakedness !!! perhaps it is not enough lesbian ?? not enough sex with her? !!! nora already was responsible that girls did not eat pussy them !!! if kami kristy has not licked, it was the fault of nora !! if coco rita has not licked milana, it was because nora !!! and now is the link ilona eliminate? !!! your only sexual arousal Is homosexuality ??? when rlc will propose that the cheeky porn, it will not rlc !!! sorry ennerver on some of you, but I'm certain statements of shock !!!! :idk: :idk:


même si cet appartement ne m'intéresse plus, depuis le départ de nora et des "vraies" participantes, je me permet de vous dire, que je suis peiné par le comportement de beaucoup de membres cc, qui ont comme nouvelle cible "ilona"!!! après nora, voilà que ilona est, la nouvelle participante à abattre!!!! la voilà, comme nora, responsable de tout ce qui ne va pas!!!! comme un morceau de viande qui n'a plus de saveur, beaucoup demande son départ, pour la remplacer par une nouvelle chair fraiche!!! cela fait pourtant plusieurs semaines que ilona est le centre d'intérêt de beaucoup de membres sur cc!!! la plupart des post, monopolisé par le moindre de ses faits et gestes!!! et voici qu'aujourd'hui, votre muse ne vous intéresse plus, et que vous demandez son départ!!!? elle vous a pourtant offert toute sa nudité!!! peut-être n'est-elle pas assez lesbienne?? pas assez de sexe avec elle?!!! nora déjà, était la responsable que les filles ne se mangeaient pas la chatte entre elles!!! si kami n'a pas léché kristy, c'était la faute de nora!! si coco et rita n'ont pas léché milana, c'était à cause de nora!!! et maintenant, c'est ilona le maillon à éliminer?!!! votre seule excitation sexuelle est-elle l'homosexualité???  lorsque rlc ne proposera que du porno déluré, ce ne sera plus rlc!!! désolé de m'ennerver sur certains d'entre vous, mais je suis choquer de certaines déclarations!!!!

although this apartment no longer interests me, since the departure of nora and "real" participants, I allow myself to say that I am saddened by the behavior of many in CC, who as new target "ilona" !!! after nora, now ilona is the new participant to shoot !!!! here it is, as nora, responsible for everything that's wrong !!!! like a piece of meat that has more flavor, many request his departure, and replace it with a new fresh meat !!! Yet it made several weeks ilona is the focus of many members of CC !!! most post, monopolized by any of his actions !!! and here today, your muse no longer interests you, and you ask her departure? !!! Yet it offered all its nakedness !!! perhaps it is not enough lesbian ?? not enough sex with her? !!! nora already was responsible that girls did not eat pussy them !!! if kami kristy has not licked, it was the fault of nora !! if coco rita has not licked milana, it was because nora !!! and now is the link ilona eliminate? !!! your only sexual arousal Is homosexuality ??? when rlc will propose that the cheeky porn, it will not rlc !!! sorry ennerver on some of you, but I'm certain statements of shock !!!! :idk: :idk:

amen :-)


corboblanc i understand what your saying i dont care if she eats pussy or not.im just saying that if these girls are her friends why is she scared to lsleep in the same bed with them.in the beginning she wanted so bad to go out with sara and white and become there friends and try to hug up on them and have fun but now she has her friends here and hardly talks to them or has any fun with them at least nora played twister and stuff like that ilona the first days was dancing in her room that stopped as soon  irma and anna came there was fun for a little while as soon as irma and anna left and layla came it died and right now its dead because she doesnt know how to entertain her friends.she hardly communicates with anyone accept that laptop that all im trying to say is for her to be more social with her friends and put the laptop down and talk to her friend is that so much to ask for.for her it is cause she cant put that dame laptop down or her phone.for me none of the girls she brings here are really her friends just people she know kami and kristy were real friends they did everything together.


corboblanc i understand what your saying i dont care if she eats pussy or not.im just saying that if these girls are her friends why is she scared to lsleep in the same bed with them.in the beginning she wanted so bad to go out with sara and white and become there friends and try to hug up on them and have fun but now she has her friends here and hardly talks to them or has any fun with them at least nora played twister and stuff like that ilona the first days was dancing in her room that stopped as soon  irma and anna came there was fun for a little while as soon as irma and anna left and layla came it died and right now its dead because she doesnt know how to entertain her friends.she hardly communicates with anyone accept that laptop that all im trying to say is for her to be more social with her friends and put the laptop down and talk to her friend is that so much to ask for.for her it is cause she cant put that dame laptop down or her phone.for me none of the girls she brings here are really her friends just people she know kami and kristy were real friends they did everything together.

les filles font ce qu'elles veulent, tu le sais...la plupart sont amies depuis des années, ilona et danaya ont le même travail!!! elle se connaissent par cœur, et ce que nous voyons sur rlc n'est que 1% de leur vie!!! elles sont des copines qui savent ce que certains membres demandent, et elles en rigolent!!! elles ressemblent à toutes les filles de leur age, que nous connaissons tous dans notre vie!!! elles savent qu'elles plaisent et suscitent des fantasmes, et elles jouent avec cela!!! ce qui est normal...un petit secret: n'oubliez pas qui est la véritable reine mère de cet appartement, vous seriez étonné de connaître son véritable et éternel pouvoir!!!!!!

girls do what they want, you know ... most have been friends for years, and Danaya ilona have the same job !!! know it by heart, and what we see on rlc is only 1% of their lives !!! they are girlfriends who know what some members call and they laugh in !!! they look like all the girls of their age, we all know in our life !!! they know they like and arouse fantasies, and they play with it !!! this is normal ... a little secret: do not forget that is the real queen mother of this apartment, you would be amazed to know its true and eternal power !!!!!! ;D ;D ;D :lmao: :lmao:


So if in fact all the posts indicate the girls earn from 1000 to 2000 euro's a month for being in the apartment naked or half naked. Here are the statistics for avg. wage earned in Spain:

Spain Average Nominal Monthly Wage  2000-2016 | Data | Chart | Calendar

Wages in Spain decreased to 1809.88 EUR/Month in the third quarter of 2015 from 1941.74 EUR/Month in the second quarter of 2015. Wages in Spain averaged 1687.41 EUR/Month from 2000 until 2015, reaching an all time high of 2020.13 EUR/Month in the fourth quarter of 2011 and a record low of 1264.36 EUR/Month in the first quarter of 2000. Wages in Spain is reported by the Spain National Statistics Institute.

Plus what ever they earn on the side doing their thing with whoever or whatever while they are there, they are making some damn good money.

They certainly are  not earning the same amount as the other apartments that actually do full and complete nudity along uninhabited sex of all kinds without reserve. Some of them have been performing at much higher standards than these girls in this apartment recently.

We are getting screwed by these teasers

RLC give the work the Spanish girls right there in Barcelona, I am sure those young Spaniards would know how to please a man and not just be a friggen teaser all the time. I actually know that for a fact as for the last 4 years I have worked for a company called ABENGOA with it's corporate headquarters in Madrid so you have to believe Ii have worked with incredibly hot women from Spain, they could use probably use the employment more than these teaser women you have brought to us lately from Russia, and certainly would appreciate it much more I am sure of that.  :hugnkiss: to the women of R&D/Lab I miss you  all you incredible ladies.

BTW Abengoa has filed for bankruptcy protection and has laid off 40% of the 29,000 employee's world wide. If they fail it will Spain's second largest bankruptcy and will most definitely affect the economy of Spain.

un post qui a demandé un grand investissement, et pourtant totalement hors sujet et inutile!!!! le salaire moyen espagnol n'a aucun intérêt ici!!! elles jouent dans la cour des grands!!nous parlons de filières de modèles russes qui parcours le monde, pas de caissières d'épicerie!!!! renseignez vous sur les vrais salaires de ces filles!! ce n'est pas moi qui qui le dit, c'est ilona!!! pensez-vous que vous allez bouger le cul d'une bombe russe pour le salaire d'une caissière en magasin de chaussure?!!!! allo, il y a quelqu'un au bout du fil?!!! ces filles ne jouent que dans le VIP, elles ont parcouru tellement de pays qu'il te faudrait 30 vies pour en faire autant!!!! alors le salaire moyen espagnol, je pense être comme elles, je m'en fout complètement!!!

a post that asked a large investment, and yet totally irrelevant and useless !!!! the Spanish average salary has no interest here !!! play in the big leagues !! we talk about Russian models of pathways that travel the world, no grocery cashiers !!!! inquiring about the real wages of those girls !! it is not me who says so is ilona !!! do you think you will move the ass of a Russian bomb for the salary of a cashier shoe store? !!!! hello, there's someone on the phone? !!! these girls play only in the VIP, they have traveled so many countries that it would take 30 lives to do the same for you !!!! while the Spanish average salary, I think I like them, I care less !!! :idk: :idk: :doh: :doh:


corboblanc i understand what your saying i dont care if she eats pussy or not.im just saying that if these girls are her friends why is she scared to lsleep in the same bed with them.in the beginning she wanted so bad to go out with sara and white and become there friends and try to hug up on them and have fun but now she has her friends here and hardly talks to them or has any fun with them at least nora played twister and stuff like that ilona the first days was dancing in her room that stopped as soon  irma and anna came there was fun for a little while as soon as irma and anna left and layla came it died and right now its dead because she doesnt know how to entertain her friends.she hardly communicates with anyone accept that laptop that all im trying to say is for her to be more social with her friends and put the laptop down and talk to her friend is that so much to ask for.for her it is cause she cant put that dame laptop down or her phone.for me none of the girls she brings here are really her friends just people she know kami and kristy were real friends they did everything together.

canito, i know this was not addressed to me and i hope i'm not stepping out of line here.  i assume that with this sarah & white which you speak of, she didn't know them and she tried hard to be accepted by them in my opinion.  the other girls that she helped bring to real life cam are girls she already knows and doesn't have to gain their acceptance.  i'm not sure i'm making myself clear as i'm just tired lol.  anyway, i hope you can see what i am talking about.  it's kind of like the dirty dishes being left out for a couple of days until they 1) got a text from the boss that monitors the site or 2) read cam caps and see everything everybody is saying about it, her friends already know that she isn't going to do anything until the last minute or she is forced to do it.  not sure i'm very clear here, hope this helped.


amen :-)

amen to what?  it's not about if they are lesbian or not, it's not about the tree still being up, it's not about the dirty dishes, it's about entertaining the people that put you there, be it by doing yoga or playing cards or by chasing each other around with a ruler.  the point is nobody wants to watch the same old boring stuff day after day.  yes, the people here are a little harsh at times but it's because those times are needed.  one day i hope to be as perfect as most of you think you are!


amen to what?  it's not about if they are lesbian or not, it's not about the tree still being up, it's not about the dirty dishes, it's about entertaining the people that put you there, be it by doing yoga or playing cards or by chasing each other around with a ruler.  the point is nobody wants to watch the same old boring stuff day after day.  yes, the people here are a little harsh at times but it's because those times are needed.  one day i hope to be as perfect as most of you think you are!

pourquoi?...oui, pourquoi?!!!

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