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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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2 minutes ago, Oldstalker said:

Good evening all; I have just been reading the evening's events (or lack of them). Any bets as to what time Lima will return to the flat? Noldus you are the timekeeper; what say you?

I thought he just kept accurate factual time-and he was not a fortune teller  :huh:

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1 hour ago, HarleyFatboy said:

Then they need to put on their big girl panties and understand that with a forum of different likes/tastes and understandings of what is being viewed,  it is going to come with good and bad comments.  I will never post something good if I personally don't see it as good.  Why don't people stop worrying about the "sugar/salt" crap and start posting what they really want to, and not posting only positive comments in hopes of seeing more nudity or bating or lesbian encounters!!

I like to see bating and Lesbian encounters Yahoooooooooooooo :biggrin::biggrin:::) and dildos :-) :-0 :-0 

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1 hour ago, HarleyFatboy said:

What makes it different here is the mods.  I've had numerous posts deleted in the past few days because one of the mods took it upon his or herself to do so because they didn't want what I had to say known and probably because there might have been a couple of superlatives thrown in there lol.  It's all about peoples feelings on this forum.......oops, I better delete that post it might hurt someones feelings or I might need to delete that post as well because so & so might get their feelings hurt.  Grow the hell up people!!!

The only time Comments and/or Quotes get Removed if they are Off Topic, Derogatory, Flame Baiting, Attacking another Posters Comment and/or Quote because the same view isn't shared.

Not everyone is going to share the same opinion but if a response is made to the Posters Comment and/or Quote can be done in a Respectful Manner without Hurling Insults or Unleashing a Tirade because the same view isn't shared.

This Forum used to have a lot of Posters in the Past and some have Stopped Participating because of the Wild West Mudslinging. They still read the Forums but they will not Participate and share their views.

A lot of Hard Work has been done over the last Few Months to try and clean things up and Reorganize things to get the Participation back into the Forums without chasing them off.

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I don't know this for sure but Nicole is out to have a good time while in Barcelona, just as I would. She appears to enjoy sex so I suspect she is out at the clubs and likely will find a mate to hook up with tonight. Good for her!! Just be careful and make them wear a condom.

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Just now, piedpiper1968 said:

I don't know this for sure but Nicole is out to have a good time while in Barcelona, just as I would. She appears to enjoy sex so I suspect she is out at the clubs and likely will find a mate to hook up with tonight. Good for her!! Just be careful and make them wear a condom.

If that is true, she might not feel comfortable bringing him back to B1 after the rash of crap she got before-and the razzing the poor guy took.  

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