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1 minute ago, Amy3 said:

I can understand that. I'm actually a God believer in my own way. 2 reasons. 1) I believe the universe really exists and had to be created by an outside force. In other words we didn't pop out of nothing. If we were created there must be a creator. 2) If there is a creator, it must be good and care about its creation otherwise, there would be no point to anything. In other words nothing would matter at all. So I think there is a God and I think it is good and it cares about us. The trick after that is trying to figure out what God wants of it. Ok, then I surmise that there are 2 kinds of people in the world, the decent and the indecent. I think God wants us to do our best to be descent people. I mean indecent people are not going to support the creation, they would work to dismantle the creation. So, there you have it, the reason I believe in God. It's rather basic, but it does require a few leaps of faith. Since I need to believe that all of this matters, I'm a God believer. Feel free to disagree or think I'm out of my mind if you like. ❤️

Well I dont believe in god but know many people who do and many explain it like you do. Theres nothing wrong with it. I respect that. :heart: Honest question and I hope not to offend you. Do you believe god is a man or a woman? Or a supernatural force with no gender? 

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21 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

Bem, eu não acredito em Deus, mas sei que muitas pessoas que fazem e muitos explicam como você faz. Não há nada de errado com ele. Eu respeito isso. :heart: Pergunta honesta e espero não ofendê-lo. Você acredita que deus é um homem ou uma mulher? Ou uma força sobrenatural sem gênero? 

Man or woman ? High, low, breeds? Inadmissible.
Supernatural force or energy? Plausible but unlikely. George Lukas to say so.

A strong sense of life that everyone has and accompanies humanity from its first steps on the surface of the Earth?
The "religions" and the events of the time only came to channel this feeling in a single direction strengthening - even more to the present day. And proving that yes, it does exist.

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