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Maria & Grisha Part #1


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I never have heard of giving drugs for a few pulls on your dick--I think maria has somewhat of a screw loose and she just likes to fuck with strange guys --He gets a charge letting her do it

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Ivy looks smoking with the new hairstyle and something tells me they are both going out for some strange tonight--Well I got that somewhat wrong--maria looks smoking hot with the new hair style --she is for sure going to get fucked by someone strange no matter where she goes--even to the grocery  haha--Ivy does look really good too-

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22 minutes ago, sr71gn said:

Ivy parece fumar com o novo penteado e algo me diz que ambos estão saindo para alguma noite estranha - Bem, eu tenho que um pouco errado - Maria parece fumar quente com o novo estilo de cabelo - ela é com certeza vai ser fodido por Alguém estranho, não importa onde ela vai - mesmo para o supermercado haha

Did not you pay attention that yesterday's big guy is there again? Possibly in the car. Then it does not need much effort to mount the pairs there. Or the whole group

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