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The truth is that they put down a "barrier" that others have been cooking at times.
Live and color.

Without quoting who, but at least they did not disguise as I'm already noticing in others here.
Dude and courage and so again my congratulations.:biggrin:

1 hour ago, Amy3 said:

Exactly! It's absolutely disgusting to to me. I couldn't stand to watch it, but from what I did see, it seemed like he was paying quite a bit more attention to the other girl than his brand new wife. And then to see that he was fooling around with the other girl when his wife wasn't even in the room. I'm embarrassed for her. He humiliated her at her own wedding party in her home. Absolutely reched! What a scumbag!

Hi Amy, When i saw a few comments you made arlier, i didnt know if you were serious or being sarcastic i Hear what you're saying though,, and i agree with a lot of it. He is a total POS for continuing on after she went back out to the party.Total absolute disrespect for her,and made her look like a fool,  with everyone at the party knowing what's going on in theret. I'm pretty new on here, but iv'e never seen them have a threesome beofre, and if not,so to do it on your wedding night is pretty bizzarre . Did he coerce her to do it? Does she do everything he wants her to do? Is he controlling like that? It doesn't seem that way, but If not, she was all in for it, so if she was humiliated, and i would be if this happened to me, which it wouldn't , because i would scratch the bitches eyes out before any one would be fucking my husband with or without me on my wedding night., she was to blame as much as he was. The threesome, though weird on your wedding night,, didn't bother me because it seemed mutual. I'm embarressed for her like you are,, she showed no self respect for  allowing it to continue when she left.


what they want to do is up to them. but where was this girl up until now? and there probably should have been another guy. also mika did not have another girl on the site that i have seen so it could be confusing. i don't know what all of the relationships are. it almost looked like the girl was layne's ex. they were really chummy. wonder what will happen next? i will watch it & imagine my own scenario till i learn more.

  • Upvote 2
5 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

I draw the line with marriage and kids, when it comes to these sites. Both are off limits IMHO and have no place here. Marriage is, if nothing else, a vow to another person that you will not cheat on them with another person. And for them to do this right after getting married is a beyond reproach. I do not believe in open marriages. Once you commit yourself to marriage that is it, you may only have sex with that person. You guys have fun watching this absolute filth. I won't be joining except to condem it. 

Up to the point of marriage, anything goes and I have no problem with cheating at that level.

I'll start off by saying that I did not see any of this as I've been out all day and just got home. I do plan on going back and watching as much as I can on the timeline.

There are a lot of married couples who are swingers. This is what I believe they are and always thought they were. This is just the first time they've done this on camera. I even believe Layne mentioned that on CC a while back. If it is fine with both parties and that's the lifestyle they live, then by all means go for it. Neither one of them seemed to have a problem with what was going on. But now I will go back and watch some and let you know if my opinion changes.

  • Upvote 1
7 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

I draw the line with marriage and kids, when it comes to these sites. Both are off limits IMHO and have no place here. Marriage is, if nothing else, a vow to another person that you will not cheat on them with another person. And for them to do this right after getting married is a beyond reproach. I do not believe in open marriages. Once you commit yourself to marriage that is it, you may only have sex with that person. You guys have fun watching this absolute filth. I won't be joining except to condem it. 

Up to the point of marriage, anything goes and I have no problem with cheating at that level.

I agree 100%!  Problem is too many 18-34 yr olds don't understand boundaries and commitments.  Or maybe I should say they don't want to put the effort into boundaries and commitments; therefore they live there lives without established moral and ethical guidelines.

  • Upvote 1

Wow !! Amy,you said a lot. Weren't you the one expecting a full swap at Eric and Layla's apartment. They look to me as committed couples too. Going by your logic you expect them to go ahead with that 'filth' since they are not married. 

Have you not heard of swingers or open marriages ? Mika was the one who initiated it and they both looked happy. As I said earlier, I don't want to comment on anyone's personal life but calling someone disgusting and filthy and giving a lecture on morality and weddings on this forum is absolutely uncalled for. 

End of discussion I hope.

  • Upvote 2

Why am I not surprised people on here blowing shit out of proportion? 

As it was already mentioned before, it started out as an attempted foursome but the 2nd guy did not want to participate. If Mika wanted the whole thing to stop, she would have said so. She obviously had no problem going along with the threesome, evident by the fact that her and the girl fooled around by themselves for a little bit. Funny that nobody brings that fact up.

As for him continuing on without her? How about the fact that when she came back into the bedroom, she joined them instead of getting all angry about it. Obviously, once again, she had no problem with what happened. If she didn't want it to continue without her, she could have easily put a stop to it and made the blond leave with her when she went into the living room.

People be so quick to jump on their soapbox and spew their morality code instead of just watching and realizing the simple fact that NOBODY at any time was uncomfortable, hesitant, angry, or hurt during any of it. 


  • Upvote 6
10 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

Por que eu não estou surpreso pessoas aqui explodindo fora de proporção? 

Como já foi mencionado antes, ele começou como uma tentativa de quarteto, mas o segundo cara não queria participar. Se Mika queria que tudo terminasse, ela teria dito isso. Ela obviamente não teve nenhum problema em acompanhar o trio, evidente pelo fato de que ela e a garota enganaram sozinhas por um tempo. Engraçado que ninguém traz esse fato.

Quanto a ele continuar sem ela? Como sobre o fato de que quando ela voltou para o quarto, ela se juntou a eles em vez de ficar todos irritado com isso. Obviamente, mais uma vez, ela não tinha nenhum problema com o que aconteceu. Se ela não quisesse que continuasse sem ela, ela poderia ter facilmente feito uma parada para ele e fez o louro sair com ela quando ela entrou na sala de estar.

As pessoas são tão rápidas em saltar em sua caixa de sabão e vomitar seu código de moralidade em vez de apenas assistir e perceber o simples fato de que ninguém em qualquer momento era desconfortável, hesitante, irritado ou ferido durante qualquer um deles. 


Again, look at the timeline !!! All of it.

The first moment the attraction was between the blonde and Mika. At the party she only paid attention to women. And the one who had her before in trio was Layne. He came as a complement and gave himself all the attention to Mika
first of all .
Shame on the guests? Again please.
Now believe that Iasto is a wedding party? Please!!!

Really surprised by everything I'm reading in post here in reprisal.
So if everyone here is married on the site, does it have to close? Be serious about this?

5 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Por pessoas, você quer dizer, claro! Eu não sou culpado de ter um duplo padrão, mas é coisa fácil de atirar em mim, eu suponho. Eu considero o casamento como algo especial. O que eles fizeram, o que ele fez é completamente inaceitável, mesmo entre os swingers. Confie em mim, eu sei as regras e eu sei por que essas regras existem. 

I know the basic rules of swingers structure. And no one here was more attentive to the signs of a possible disagreement or divergence between them.
Or, yes, it was by mutual agreement.
I thought until something could "go back" when Mika and Layne left I believe to buy cigarettes and possibly talk.
Upon his return however and what we have seen next and we are still seeing away any "black cloud" about this relationship. And that in my view is more solid than many others we have here.

And I'm not judging you.
Each one here has his free form of thinking. You're his and I'm mine.

For a reference, I agree with your position when it involves couples with children
Something I believe, not even close to it has immediate plans like that.

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