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Layla & Eric - Part #1

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Points to consider about the premiere event of this new apartment.

We have something obviously intended and planned between these 4 characters and that again was not the front for deviations from excess drink.

Who knows next time, with this factor more controlled?:cool:

From the previous time it cost so we understand until you join the project.:cry:

The girl invited and now we understood friend had a high behavior. The next day I expected some sequel and friction between her and her companion again surpassed me.:heart:

She and Layla got along very well. They've made a great company with each other.:biggrin:
And despite the regrets (and adds to regrets in it), with Eric as well.

If the intention is to add another couple to this apartment, maybe their time has come again.::)

Wait for what is planned and intended for this new apartment and its occupants there.

I only hope that blind spots are corrected not only there but in all other apartments.:dodgy:

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9 hours ago, cx2328 said:

Well, it didn't stop him completely. He and Layla managed to get a quickie in next to their sleeping friends shortly after they went to bed. She even rode on top of him. It was around 05:30 but believe me, he wasn't any more sober. He was crawling all over the guy on the couch again just before. Couldn't see anything since they were under covers though.

Good ideas and observations. Evolutionary and fair comments in accordance with personal or collective opinions are always welcome.

Reinforcement so welcome to our "point" here.:biggrin:

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16 hours ago, golfer06 said:

Este é seu cérebro em drogas, eu significo o álcool. Ele & Alex devem se reunir para que eles possam ver como feio eles estão bêbados.


It will not work ! Have not seen Alex drunk looking for "hug" man here. Only women.:cool:

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1 minute ago, thedbear said:

It will not work ! Have not seen Alex drunk looking for "hug" man here. Only women.:cool:

we didn't see what went on when he & nick dissapeared for days at a time on vv so we don't know for sure. the point that you seem to be missing is that they are both bad drunks. see the big picture.  

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1 minute ago, golfer06 said:

Nós não ver o que aconteceu quando ele & nick dissapeared por dias em um tempo em vv por isso não sabemos ao certo. O ponto que você parece estar faltando é que eles são ambos os bêbados ruins. Ver o retrato grande.  

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. (VV):dodgy:

I made the comment based on him and Alex drunk and together.
As I said "scenes" like this between the two here is not going to roll.:biggrin:

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Just now, thedbear said:

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. (VV):dodgy:

I made the comment based on him and Alex drunk and together.
As I said "scenes" like this between the two here is not going to roll.:biggrin:

don't keep making me repeat myself please. they are bad drunks & should stay away from booze period. that's the whole point.

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