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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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9 hours ago, Nari Dog said:

Will never say no. I was sure Lola was up for one but failed on my prediction. That reminds me, has Gina ever done one? I know one of the twins had a sneaky one at one stage and Kylie performed just the once but can't recall Gina.

The twin could lay on her bed rubbing alittle for 3 hours, but no climax, all a tease.

I caught Gina once doing a semi-bate, rubbing fairly hard, but no climax... wide open towards the cam.

Kylie had one great bate on one of her last night I think, she orgasmed, she had several (3 or 4) more bates earlier too, partially under covers though.

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Just watched the second seizure damn. What is wrong with RLC ?? Why don't they seem to care enough abut their tenants well being. This same problem happened when Lima almost drank herself to death. Did they watch her previous seizure to know she wasn't aware of the seriousness and would need supervision or medical attention. They should have had Sophie stay with her in her room at least for a couple of nights. It seems they are more concerned about money and not wanting to have an empty apartment than the tenants life. She hit her head hard when she fell. They need to act NOW AND GET THIS UNDER CONTROL. Poor girl. I feel a difference environment will be the best for her. 

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A very Good Morning to our princess Lyree and all the guys here. I see that Nicole had another seizure. Not good. When you start having them this close together something is very very wrong. She needs to see a doctor NOW. I think she has only had them in bed as of yet I believe. There is to much of a chance she could have one while on the balcony or in the bathtub. SO PLEASE NICHOLE IF YOU HAPPEN TO SEE THIS, GET TO A DOCTOR AS SOON AS YOU CAN.

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No medical manual needed to know that she should have consulted yesterday and RLC act. I should not tell personal things but my cousin is epileptic and for having witnessed seizures you do not control yourself anymore he was lucky because the two times I was present was at the beach he fell on the sand And the medical team intervened right away, yet he takes medication against the crises so imagine Nicole who apparently was not followed may be his first crisis yesterday. Nicole please leave the project and look after you. You will have a better life without cameras. I hope that RLC uses my money to help Nicole medically and not cause her any trouble.

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