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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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Yes guys, I concede now that the full facts are known to me and it must have been a not very pretty sight when we can't do anything about it sitting outside the goldfish bowl but surely they would have gone u/m so RLC barca guys could come to the rescue? Easy solution now though is for Sofie to sleep with her to look after her ::)

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4 minutes ago, ed2 said:

I agree, she manipulated her way there last time, but it was rightfully hers this time, the big room is usually occupied by the girl who has been there the longest. When Rose left, that is Nicole.


She hit her hed during 2 epileptic grand mal seizures, on cam, it was awfull.

May I speculate happyone? I think it may be the reason she has slept away from b2 the last couple of nights

Agreed on all counts. I know Nicole is not the most popular girl here due to her antics during her last tenure, but these seizures and the injuries that followed were heartbreaking.

I assume/hope that she spent the nights at a safe place where she could be monitored.

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33 minutes ago, ed2 said:

I agree, she manipulated her way there last time, but it was rightfully hers this time, the big room is usually occupied by the girl who has been there the longest. When Rose left, that is Nicole.


She hit her hed during 2 epileptic grand mal seizures, on cam, it was awfull.

May I speculate happyone? I think it may be the reason she has slept away from b2 the last couple of nights

Please ed2 do not confuse happyone with happyman88 to whom you just responded :angry:

But thanks for asking permission-but you do not have to ask me for permission to do anything-that is 

your prerogative.

Edited by happyone
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6 minutes ago, happyone said:

Please ed2 do not confuse happyone with happyman88 to whom you just responded :angry:

I didn't!

I was answering to happyman88, but in the same post I asked you happyone, if I could speculate without hard evidence.

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15 minutes ago, happyone said:

Please ed2 do not confuse happyone with happyman88 to whom you just responded :angry:

But thanks for asking permission-but you do not have to ask me for permission to do anything-that is 

your prerogative.


1 minute ago, ed2 said:

I didn't!

I was answering to happyman88, but in the same post I asked you happyone, if I could speculate without hard evidence.

I revised my quote above.

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3 hours ago, Benfold said:

... No dude, she had two very serious seizures on cam in the apartment, and during one of them her face was banging on her bedside cabinet. I imagine that at least some of the time she has spent away from the apartment has been at a doctor or hospital, and at nights potentially with somebody who can look after her in case it happens again (both seizures were whilst she was asleep)

I once had a girlfriend that took epileptic seizures almost on a daily basis. Whenever she went into her seizure I just made sure I moved her to the center of the floor where she couldn't hit anything that would do harm to herself.After the Episode was done I just put her into bed and she'd be asleep for the next 6 Hours She'd go through 2 seizures most times. If it went past 2 seizures I just called 9-1-1 and the Ambulance would come and take her to the Hospital.

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