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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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4 hours ago, Suckfootsoles said:

That B1 Gina going away party was the most lame one ever seen, flame out after 2 hours.  Lola just sitting on the couch staring at her iphone with that facial grin acting like she is control from old days and Anna yawning. Lola needs to go, does nothing.  Helen was they one to stare at.  Everybody looked bored, but the twin's inner circle is gone and will see how the two new ladies do.

So, is Polya the big cheese now ?

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hello rlc now it`s probably we`ve see drug use and we`ve seen men as a commander for having sex with the girls and we`ve seen men coming to visit and we`ve seen girls showing pussy for a dildo that men have brought to the girls think rlc also has cammera wake up rlc :huh:

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is sofie  in with lola the biggest fake and tease of rlc  to find out how to be even a bigger fake and tease and still be asked back  when she cant make it out in the real world :biggrin: just like she did this time around  

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On 7/21/2017 at 10:16 AM, HarleyFatboy said:

I just got home and checked my email to find a short clip about the exact conversation that you speak of.  I have been labeled as fat because I used to ride a Harley Fatboy motorcycle, I have been accused of being a total dumbass, I have been accused of having more than two accounts in CC's history, but I can say this with an open conscience......why would Sofie tell the guy that she will tell him later?  Is it "A"....because she is ashamed of what she it doing on RLC.....which isn't much at all,  or is it "B" because she is far more than a photo model, or is it "C" because she is just like you said Zinc?  I pick "C" everyday of the week and twice on Sunday's!!!  If she is not what you speak of Zinc, then she is doing something that would keep her from saying what she does in an open audio area.  I agree with you, from what I've been told of her habits and how she will all of a sudden be on her phone looking at messages or talking to someone and then leaving at the drop of a hat, even a blind person can put 2 and 2 together!!

replying late....

to me the surprise was...that the guy didnt know...or probably he was expecting that she would have a backup job..like a hostess at a hotel or nightclub...etc... but this also also goes to show that some of the guys which come here, are from a different field altogether..surprised that they were willing to spend time in front of the cameras...plus also confirmed that Nicole is half spanish half russian...like these guys....

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