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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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11 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

Almost as bad timing as Stella's ghost window but more serious.

Yeah that was just stupid and silly and was the worst timing, this was more serious, the girls should always feel safe.

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2 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

How did they expect to get in?

Belle wouldn't be much good in fight but we've seen Rosie is strong and Angel is fit. I hope the cameras got a picture.

It could just have been one of the people who have visited that apartment in the past with other girls, perhaps wanting to see if they were still around. But we'll probably never know, and the girls don't seem super worried. 

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il y a 3 minutes, vortios a dit :

Quelque chose d' autre a dû se produire, car il n'est pas la première fois qu'ils frappent à la porte, et les filles, n'a jamais été aussi nerveux.
Je ne sais pas ce que nous avons vu, mais d'après ce que je lis, ils ont regardé l'écran pendant quelques instants, alors qu'ils ne voyaient pas la rue vide, mais quelque chose ...
je lis que quelque chose la rendait nerveuse quand ils commencé à regarder par la fenêtre.
Je ne peux parler que des références.

It's about that Ange received a message while the girls were in Ange's room, and a few minutes later the intercom ring Correct me may be for the order of the action

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1 minute ago, Benfold said:

It could just have been one of the people who have visited that apartment in the past with other girls, perhaps wanting to see if they were still around. But we'll probably never know, and the girls don't seem super worried. 

They seemed quite happy that who ever it was had gone, and at least they have not come back. Angel is a very brave girl though. 

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3 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

My Belle :heart: sleeps so no naked dancing tonight but she has had those panties on for a couple of days without washing them.


are they the same pair, i thought i saw her cut the label off another pair ? Maybe im seeing things now lol

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4 minutes ago, Benfold said:

It could just have been one of the people who have visited that apartment in the past with other girls, perhaps wanting to see if they were still around. But we'll probably never know, and the girls don't seem super worried. 

I'm a worrier as you know.

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