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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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I said a few days ago that relaxing the ban to discuss the girls outside activites was like opening a can of worms, but I am mad at some of the recent posts, revealing sensitive private informations about former tenants, and the identity of a current girl who, even if she is not technically listed as a tenant, is called by the other girls with a made up name so as to mask her identity.

I'm just speechless at the callousness, the level of spite and hatred you guys reached to go to such extremities. It's not about forum rules, it's about protecting the privacy of the tenants - and by ricochet their friends, family, work relations, etc ...

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1 minute ago, Houlii said:

So are we thinking the girl talking with Belle and Lola is maybe the new addition. I don't recognize her as currently living there??

That's Lola, she's listed over at B1.


- edit - 

Never mind... I should read before I post. The girl is Carolina, and it appears she's just a guest this time. 

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