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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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4 minutes ago, legrandrobert said:

How come the forum is more active when Nothing is happening in Barcelona ??


1 hour ago, happyone said:

Is it my interpretation, but it seems that Lola just does not have the influence or magnetism with the other girls, or is just not

as enthusiastic as before.?? 

Because my post stimulated some decent conversation :biggrin::biggrin:

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il y a 8 minutes, happyone a dit :

Je pense que vous vous trompez - je l' ai inspecté les zones et je ne vois rien de vivant crabes, ils ont été traités -pas :dodgy:

gif-drole-peinture-renaissance-16.gif... Well played happy but are gifs and that does not work sorry I do not know why, may a little culture does not hurt.

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13 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

6 or 8 new girls...obviously couldn't all move in at the same time, but that would be interesting. With 'oldies' you know what you're gonna get and are constantly expecting much of the same as 1st time, or more, but with newbies, you just don't know...It's that element that I like about new girls coming in. OK, some girls might not live up to expectation but I. for one, am happy taking that risk...
I know a lot of the girls know each other before they enter the house, but we can't do anything about that...

What i do find boring is not the girls at all as they are not actors who have to perform for us like seals everyday. What i do find boring is the constant whinging and whining from some of you guys about them not dong this, not doing that every time i come on the forum. Always expecting more and more and more.They are just normal girls for goodness sake !. Doesn't it occur to you guys that they don't always do things exciting because no human being does exciting things ALL THE TIME. We all have our boring periods. It's almost like they know what we are like here and then put on fake shows ten there's more whinging about how they are now being fake. It just goes on and on with n ending in site.

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1 minute ago, thegame20 said:

What i do find boring is not the girls at all as they are not actors who have to perform for us like seals everyday. What i do find boring is the constant whinging and whining from some of you guys about them not dong this, not doing that every time i come on the forum. Always expecting more and more and more.They are just normal girls for goodness sake !. Doesn't it occur to you guys that they don't always do things exciting because no human being does exciting things ALL THE TIME. We all have our boring periods. It's almost like they know what we are like here and then put on fake shows ten there's more whinging about how they are now being fake. It just goes on and on with n ending in site.

I'd like to think you weren't directing that comment at me...You attached it to my post...:confused:

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1 hour ago, Snakeater said:

I agree nothing in B1 to watch anymore and it is getting boring watching Gina sleep with her legs wide open. B2 is not much better especially with Rose's friend there.

Imagine that.....Gina asleep with her legs wide open.  She is just telling you all that this is all you are ever going to get!!

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