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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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Violeta is still very red. Hope she don't go out in the sun too much until her skin has healed from the burns. While her house mates are out side stopping traffic because of their good looks she will stop traffic because she is being mistaken for a traffic light turned red :biggrin:

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5 minutes ago, thegame20 said:

Violeta is still very red. Hope she don't go out in the sun too much until her skin has healed from the burns. While her house mates are out side stopping traffic because of their good looks she will stop traffic because she is being mistaken for a traffic light turned red :biggrin:

... better than being mistaken for a green one LOL. Of course in the UK we have amber and My Belle:heart: is nearly golden enough for  that :biggrin:

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16 minutes ago, euromike69 said:

WE have a Cow as a CC member?:biggrin::biggrin:


LOL, where did you get my picture, are you that shady fellow that's hiding behind the bushes all the time? ::)

Since we're at it... Meet Mrs. CowArt:


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2 hours ago, CowArt said:

You have been going on and on for (three?) months now, about how in your opinion RLC in general and B1/B2 in particular is a ripoff. You have made hundreds of posts, all "defending the rights of the RLC customers". I am one of those customers, and I can take care of myself, thank you very much, I don't need you to fight my battles. A couple of weeks ago you announced here that your subscription ended and you wouldn't renew. I am a bit surprised to see you write "I speaks as an RLC subscriber"... You renewed your subscription? And again, here you are, talking about how it's not worth the money. Here a thought for you: STOP SENDING THEM YOUR MONEY if you dislike the whole RLC concept as much as you appear to do. What is it that you want? You want to change how RLC runs the B1/B2 apartments? That's not gonna happen by ranting here. You want us all to fall on our knees before you and say "Oh great and wise vortios, you were so right and we were so wrong, we will all collectively cancel our subscriptions now". That's not gonna happen either.

Yes, your ideas and comments are welcome, if those posts express your opinions that is fine, but how many times now have you expressed this exact opinion in here? 200 times? 300 times? When is enough going to be enough? After a hundred more posts just like that? 200? 500? You more than made your point, please give it a rest now.

And on the subject off the girls leaving the apartment: Is it really that bad? Maybe I am online on different hours then some of you, but most times I log on, more than half of the girls are accounted for. Yes, sometimes they all doll up at the same time, and all of them go out to enjoy life. Maybe instead of ranting about it here, you should do the same. You see that little X in the top right corner of your browser? Try clicking on it for once, it will close the RLC window, so you won't see the empty apartment anymore. If you feel really bold, you could even open your front door and step outside your house for a while, you know, to enjoy life like the girls are doing.

It is stated nowhere that the girls are in Barcelona to entertain us. They are willing to share a couple of months of their lives with us, to the degree they feel comfortable with. How for that goes is different for every girl. Isn't that just the beauty of RLC? Getting to know these girls a bit, see them interact, watch them get more comfortable with the cameras, see some of them do less than you expected, but also see others do far more than you could ever dream? We are watching real human beings here, not animals in a zoo. They deserve respect, but it seems some of you will only be happy if the girls are on arrival stripped at the door, tossed in the apartment butt naked with some twigs and leafs to eat, the door locked behind them.

So there you have it. My ideas and comments. I'm not gonna repeat it 300 times over the next few months.

Thanks for this post

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1 minute ago, nagachilli2 said:

Morning Belle, that's a great start to the weekend...Thanyk you little pixie...:heart:
You've pissed BB off big style though cos he's just done an abseiling course and he's at the other end of the balcony...:dodgy:

It's OK I'm readjusting my line of descent :biggrin:

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2 minutes ago, CowArt said:

LOL, where did you get my picture, are you that shady fellow that's hiding behind the bushes all the time? ::)

Since we're at it... Meet Mrs. CowArt:


Cowart it seems you got bigger tits than your misses :biggrin:

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