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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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1 minute ago, sulzer25059 said:

Yes it does seem to fail at the most unfortunate times, so i understand its a risk. Id be surprised if either Angel or Rose wake up again today. They have 35 mins left

Well I think they have been up earlier but as I said this is really shocking energy levels for people their age. I won't say anything more on that, tempted as I am.

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2 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

,,,,and it's starting to really piss a generally easy to please guy off big style...:angry:

... but there are so many other apartments on RLC ... ;) ... Just a joke. ... :)

Anyway, this apartment is dead in any case, with the girls outside or in the apartment. .... RLC need to change the casting and maybe also the concept to make this apartments real. Just a teasing show inside, while the private life take place outside only is not the deal. That is for sure.

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8 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

Ben that does sound a bit like so long I as I am all right, I don't care about your problems - get a life. That's a little harsh. 

Well that's obviously not what I'm saying at all BB. MikeLima was suggesting that we should all email RLC and complain, and I'm telling him that I won't do that, because I don't agree with him. I didn't say he shouldn't do it if he wants to

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38 minutes ago, Mikelima1970 said:

my mail send now a rlc....:


I have now switched connection on rlc barcelona apt.2
it sucks
a mortuoria Room
I think it's time for a your urgent intervention
many on the forums complaining about this joke for us customers
ok that rlc is live life, but these girls are around day and night and sleep at times when we should be living.
I personally, after 2 years of subscription, I am convinced not to renew.
After Rebecca and Megan with lola here is just a long and painful decline.
I feel cheated and screwed.
thank you

It will fall on deaf ears MikeLima

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1 minute ago, Benfold said:

Well that's obviously not what I'm saying at all BB. MikeLima was suggesting that we should all email RLC and complain, and I'm telling him that I won't do that, because I don't agree with him. I didn't say he shouldn't do it if he wants to

MikeLima has the right idea and the way your post read to me and others, didn't seem to be the way you described it with this post.  It sounded like an all for me me me post!

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