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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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And let me see---did Rosie say anything to Nicole when she came in??

Twice now Nicole has made the effort to go to Rosie's room and talk to her!!

So IMHO she is trying really hard to get along.



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21 minutes ago, DES7469 said:

How do you figure I'm taking the piss. Do you really think for one second I'm not going to look at ANY girl that is pointing herself a cam.?

I'm not commenting on Nicole because no matter what I post someone will have a knee jerk reaction to it. As you my friend just proved.

And that's a nice view...


Many here take the girls to their hearts, calling them "their" girls. You can sometime have a hard time here if one don't share the view on "their" perfect angle

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