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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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6 hours ago, meran said:

Why they are in these apartments to begin with ? 


Perhaps because Barcelona has a decent climate while northern Siberia has no night life, no opportunities to marry a rich guy or have a viable economic future, and Siberia becomes miserable in the winter.

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11 minutes ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

Perhaps because Barcelona has a decent climate while northern Siberia has no night life, no opportunities to marry a rich guy, have a viable economic future, and becomes miserable in the winter.

I'm sure the world is more globalized and developed than you may think, even Siberia have cities with atleast some night life.

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1 hour ago, Noldus said:

2113 Looks like they have a RAT on the balcony in B1. GIna and Polya run inside and Polya threw several things into the corner, picked up the long cost and threw water on something

The B1 exterminators now on the balcony with a variety of chemicals. That should teach the little bugger a lesson. :biggrin:


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10 minutes ago, ed2 said:
28 minutes ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

Perhaps because Barcelona has a decent climate while northern Siberia has no night life, no opportunities to marry a rich guy, have a viable economic future, and becomes miserable in the winter.

I'm sure the world is more globalized and developed than you may think, even Siberia have cities with atleast some night life.

Sorry, I realize I was just doing myself, something that I've criticiced this forum for, picking on irrelevant details and missinterpretting others. But my point was, Barcelona is a popular vacation destination for all Europeans, not nessicarily because it is so bad where they come from.

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