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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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2 hours ago, Benfold said:

She's young, she's free to make her own mistakes, learn from them and become a more mature person. Same for all of us!

As long as she is happy (I cannot say whether she is not whether she isn't) then it's all a learning experience.

Live and let live

You are absolutely right! Live and let live! But: Not at my cost! I pay to see them in the apt! That is their job!

I can not go during my work to the boss and say "I'm now times make party, i am gone"!

Why RLC does this (and also day by day fotoshootings, or excursions to paris or the canaries) I do not understand. Need they vacation from vacation?

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1 hour ago, Benfold said:

She's young, she's free to make her own mistakes, learn from them and become a more mature person. Same for all of us!

As long as she is happy (I cannot say whether she is not whether she isn't) then it's all a learning experience.

Live and let live

Obviously I am going to say what I think, irrelevant to what I feel about my own feelings on her time in the apartment.

But this is an issue I think with Belle's looks. I said with Milena that they way she spoke to Belle in B1 she would not have dared to Polya or Nicole because they looked kind of tough but because Belle looks younger than she is and weak (and she does struggle bit with heavy bags) then people assume she's vulnerable and has no fight in her. And while it is true she doesn't like confrontation I don't she's quite as naive as she came across after her trip. I think she's way clued up and she knows what she's doing and how to handle the risks most of the time. She's probably as streetwise as any of the party girls.

Her choice of lifestyle is her own business. She's 22 an has been in the modelling business quite a few years. The parties she attends during the day and the clubs at night including all that drug scene I am sure she is very familiar with. So she may look young but has quite a lot of life experience. She does have a problem with drink though. She drinks too quickly and it seems becomes increasingly loud and provocative in several ways - there was an incident with Stella - but I would not say she was anywhere near an alcoholic. At lot of the current clubbing, partying and maybe more I think does come from desire to live life to full.

If were her father I would be concerned but I wouldn't want to treat her differently than I would treat a son who was doing the same thing, so maybe a word about the drinking, a suggestion that she might not stay out every night because her body needs time to recover, but while she's out she can do whatever she likes. And I certainly would not judge her behaviour. And the big point us none of us here are her father so really we must step back particularly from moralising.

Naturally I worry about her but that is my issue not hers and I was probably even more worried about Caro on Sushi Night.

As Benfold says, live and let live.

Her lack of time in the house and what she does in the house are entirely different issues.

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4 hours ago, nagachilli2 said:

It's what makes the world go round for some guys here...:confused:

Your life must be very sad.


The other day you said to BBsq to stop complaining but in each post you do there is a sad/confused face so you are complaining in each post  you do.

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