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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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5 minutes ago, Blue&Bonnie said:

Ok guys Belle and Rose did not take a shower. So there going to Dj room and take a shower before the show and it said on the ad do not bring bag or nothing like that to the club because there no closet so it look like Belle and rose my be staying after the show ends. Also those VIP seat are 250 Euro each and they done been there 3 time. that a lot of money that the girls don't have

you know as well as me that what you are now saying is BS. Should the VIP tonight, they had dressed up in dark dresses and makeup.

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Imagine YOU getting control. Being in control of your thought processes....YOU being the EXECUTIVE. you making decisions.

Not the Octopus arms of the Subconscious, poping up to disturb your Streams of Conciousness.

We all have Daemons in our heads. And it is a Battle Royal to keep them in check.

If you do battle to supress it, eventually you will gain strength over it. It will lose its power - if YOU chose to take it away.

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5 minutes ago, Blue&Bonnie said:

Ok guys Belle and Rose did not take a shower. So there going to Dj room and take a shower before the show and it said on the ad do not bring bag or nothing like that to the club because there no closet so it look like Belle and rose my be staying after the show ends. Also those VIP seat are 250 Euro each and they done been there 3 time. that a lot of money that the girls don't have

I bet if she did take a shower there she wouldn't be hiding like she's doing in B2.

You are not helping me by saying these things.

No problem with her fucking the DJ if she is  but I do have problem not seeing it, considering what we are seeing.

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1 hour ago, Sergio said:

I can say that two balls, there are those who defend Belle, there are those who defend Angelina, there are those who defend Irma although there's more, these girls do what the fuck they like and clearly a cock was not of interest to that we want, we must resign ourselves, they, in my opinion, they do what they want and I'm okay with them, life is this, if you want to see sex every night you go on voyeur-house.

we don't expect to see sex every night  but seeing nothing but empty beds is crazy but the thing about being a voyeur call me crazy if you want is seeing things

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1 minute ago, West_California said:

Imagine YOU getting control. Being in control of your thought processes....YOU being the EXECUTIVE. you making decisions.

Not the Octopus arms of the Subconscious, poping up to disturb your Streams of Conciousness.

We all have Daemons in our heads. And it is a Battle Royal to keep them in check.

If you do battle to supress it, eventually you will gain strength over it. It will lose its power - if YOU chose to take it away.

What will happen is I will get a new obsession. Let's hope it's more productive :biggrin:

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52 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

It didn't take but that one careless girl to ruin it for all the rest.  I'm probably not the most intelligent person on this forum but even I could see what was/is taking place with these girls outside the apartment!!  I believe they all have their hands in that pie and you will never convince me otherwise.   Why do you think these girls always have their noses stuck in their cell phones?  That is how they make their money......be it hostessing, posing in nude photos, putting on shows for influential clients, escorting (which doesn't have to involve sex), or doing any number of things.  The phones make the girls money......plain, pure, and simple!!

Have you ever been around real life people in their twenties? All have their noses stuck in their cell phones, they'd rather lose an arm than their phone.

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It does rather fit in with our theory that if they are fucking outside the apartment, then they will do less in the apartment. I doubt if it is true with all the girls and we don't know for certain that Belle is doing it, but after all these overnight stops the likelihood is now very high.

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Fucking hell is this conversation really needed again

The only reasons some people on this forum are so DESPERATE for the girls to be prostitutes is because;

  • They are old, out of touch and cannot fathom the idea of independent female sexuality
  • They are so jealous at the idea of other men having sex with these girls that they choose to denigrate the act in their own mind by turning it into a transaction
  • The racist spectre of Russian mail-order brides - "Eastern European girls being flown into Western Europe - they must be sex workers!"
  • Sexual frustration - "Why won't the girls put on a lesbian show for me, they're bitches, cunts, whores!"
  • They are just straight up trolls

Is it impossible that some of the girls we have seen have worked as escorts? No of course it's not impossible. But every girl? And on every excursion out of the apartment? Don't be silly. Some of you try to qualify your arguments with "But it's legal in Spain!" It's irrelevant, whenever the term is used on this website it's invariably used an an insult

And why does it bother so many people on here anyway? A reasonable discussion about it is fine, but you have bottom-of-the-barrel members like lucasfrench for whom every post is about the same subject. It's boring, it adds nothing to the discussion and it starts arguments. It also shows a lack of intelligence, that this is the extent of their conversational skills.

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1 minute ago, CowArt said:

Have you ever been around real life people in their twenties? All have their noses stuck in their cell phones, they'd rather lose an arm than their phone.

Welcome to the club CowArt

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15 minutes ago, Blue&Bonnie said:

 Also those VIP seat are 250 Euro each and they done been there 3 time. that a lot of money that the girls don't have

Have you ever been in a club in all your life ? Girls NEVER NEVER pay for Vips seats. Men pay for VIP seats and either come with their girls or  invite girls   who are already in the club to seat with them.

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