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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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This is what i think going on in b1.Kylie was cleaning for some reason. I think that some guys brought Gina and stella home and there in the apt. My be the girls are changing there clothes and there going to leave again. It look pretty clear the girls had some sleep. So they went to there home and sleep and now returning. Also my be Rose had to go to b1 to entertain. I just taking BS again. Got nothing else to do

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Just now, martyen said:

Wathou listening cam 13 we hear like someone open a drawer

elle a just peut-être laissé sa fenêtre ouverte et c'est ça que tu entends, mais la seul personne à B2 c'est belle et elle est sur le divan dans le salon ^^'

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5 minutes ago, wathou said:

Indeed rose was crying i really hope nothing too bad happened :cry:

Maybe to do with Belle. Perhaps Belle decided to go because of her relationship and Rosie is left without her best friend. I hope not, as I think everybody is aware, but Belle seems very happy.

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il y a 1 minute, wathou a dit :

Elle juste may-être sa Laissé et c'est fenêtre ouverte ça que tu Entends, la Mais personne à B2 seul c'est belle et sur le is Elle divan in the salon ^^ »

OK, thanks

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2 minutes ago, ed2 said:

Estoy empezando a preocuparse. Gina y Stella Debe haber sido a lo largo de 20 horas por ahora

Would not you believe that if something really serious had happened, Rose would not have roused Belle? Would I be so calm K cleaning the house?

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11 minutes ago, vortios said:

She was on the phone, talking about whatsapp, when she suddenly got up and went to her room to get dressed in a hurry, when she began to cry.

Ah well then maybe things have been said on social media. Maybe some moralistic twats calling her names.

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Holy crap, what happened to the old adagium "If you can't think of anything nice to say...".

I know I don't post here very often, I usually hang out across the street, but I try to read up on recent events on a daily basis. I've been out since yesterday evening and find over 40 new pages, so I assumed I missed a whole lot, but no, it's 40 pages of ranting with maybe 15 to 20 usefull and informative posts hidden somewhere in this enormous pile of bullshit.

Yes, B1 and B2 are at the moment not as entertaining as they could/should be. But is that a reason to call the girls every name in the book? I see the girls are being blamed for everything that is wrong in the world at the moment, according to some they are even responsible for this thread going to hell in a handbasket. No, the dear CC-members managed to do that all by themselves, the girls had no hand in that.

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1 minute ago, BBsq69 said:

Maybe to do with Belle. Perhaps Belle decided to go because of her relationship and Rosie is left without her best friend. I hope not, as I think everybody is aware, but Belle seems very happy.

i don't thing it's related to belle since when she started crying she tried to remain quiete so that belle could sleep, thaen ran outside. Probably personal issue i just hope it's nothing too bad :X

And even if belle want to go off rlc to go with her wealthy man, she would still be in barcelona so she wouldn't really be "without" her best friend ^^'

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