cacjc Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 2 minutes ago, broxman said: and how the hell do you know they were called for a rape or are you just assuming? It could have been anything but some people just like a bit drama in their lives.
broxman Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 2 minutes ago, Xide said: Get it straight we are BOTH assuming. The difference I'm not a drama queen calling someone a rapist, when there is no evidence to suggest otherwise.
balt2103 Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 6 minutes ago, broxman said: OMG, this is just ridiculous! OTT nonsense! Extract from the German newspaper "Zeit online" In Germany, a strict sex offense law will be applied, in which the principle "No is called No". This is intended to significantly strengthen the rights of the victims of sexual injuries. The Bundestag passed the law in Berlin in the second and third reading unanimously. This is not only a criminal offense, who forcibly enforces sex with force or violence. A sexual act is therefore also regarded as rape when the offender goes beyond the "discernible will" of the victim. In the future, the offense also exists when the victim expresses by words or gestures that he is not in agreement with the sexual acts. Auszug aus der Deutschen Zeitung "Zeit online" In Deutschland gilt künftig ein strenges Sexualstrafrecht, in dem das Prinzip "Nein heißt Nein" festgeschrieben ist. Damit sollen die Rechte der Opfer von Sexualdelikten erheblich gestärkt werden. Der Bundestag hat das Gesetz in Berlin in zweiter und dritter Lesung einstimmig beschlossen. Damit macht sich bald nicht nur strafbar, wer Sex mit Gewalt oder Gewaltandrohung erzwingt. Eine sexuelle Handlung wird demnach auch dann als Vergewaltigung gewertet, wenn sich der Täter über den "erkennbaren Willen" des Opfers hinwegsetzt. Der Straftatbestand liegt künftig auch dann vor, wenn das Opfer durch Worte oder Gesten zum Ausdruck bringt, dass es mit den sexuellen Handlungen nicht einverstanden ist. 4
Xide Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 1 minute ago, broxman said: The difference I'm not a drama queen calling someone a rapist, when there is no evidence to suggest otherwise. Well here's a fact: Your perception and my perception differ, And we will never know for sure wtf happened in its totality. 1
broxman Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 1 minute ago, cacjc said: It could have been anything but some people just like a bit drama in their lives. Typical of this forum unfortunately. My two biggest gripes the OTT Drama queens and the posters calling out guys who have small cocks and are not porn stars in bed. I mean it seems like 80% of this forum are porn stars in their own lives and can fuck for hours on end with their 10 inch cocks, 2
cacjc Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 I've seen people in this forum make up stories assume girls have done things with no proof just to get a good story 3
cacjc Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 1 minute ago, broxman said: Typical of this forum unfortunately. My two biggest gripes the OTT Drama queens and the posters calling out guys who have small cocks and are not porn stars in bed. I mean it seems like 80% of this forum are porn stars in their own lives and can fuck for hours on end with their 10 inch cocks, Classic ? 1
broxman Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 1 minute ago, balt2103 said: Extract from the German newspaper "Zeit online" In Germany, a strict sex offense law will be applied, in which the principle "No is called No". This is intended to significantly strengthen the rights of the victims of sexual injuries. The Bundestag passed the law in Berlin in the second and third reading unanimously. This is not only a criminal offense, who forcibly enforces sex with force or violence. A sexual act is therefore also regarded as rape when the offender goes beyond the "discernible will" of the victim. In the future, the offense also exists when the victim expresses by words or gestures that he is not in agreement with the sexual acts. Auszug aus der Deutschen Zeitung "Zeit online" In Deutschland gilt künftig ein strenges Sexualstrafrecht, in dem das Prinzip "Nein heißt Nein" festgeschrieben ist. Damit sollen die Rechte der Opfer von Sexualdelikten erheblich gestärkt werden. Der Bundestag hat das Gesetz in Berlin in zweiter und dritter Lesung einstimmig beschlossen. Damit macht sich bald nicht nur strafbar, wer Sex mit Gewalt oder Gewaltandrohung erzwingt. Eine sexuelle Handlung wird demnach auch dann als Vergewaltigung gewertet, wenn sich der Täter über den "erkennbaren Willen" des Opfers hinwegsetzt. Der Straftatbestand liegt künftig auch dann vor, wenn das Opfer durch Worte oder Gesten zum Ausdruck bringt, dass es mit den sexuellen Handlungen nicht einverstanden ist. And? what the fuck has this to do with what happened? Did she say no did she scream for help? did she run out the house crying....NO! Drama queens!!!!
broxman Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 3 minutes ago, Xide said: Well here's a fact: Your perception and my perception differ, And we will never know for sure wtf happened in its totality. Exactly. Something we can agree on.
balt2103 Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 3 minutes ago, broxman said: And? what the fuck has this to do with what happened? Did she say no did she scream for help? did she run out the house crying....NO! Drama queens!!!! We leave that. People who do not want to understand can not be convinced! 2
Xide Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 Any ways i predict a cleanup crew then back on the air within 6-8 hours? 1
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