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Rose, Katie & Phil, Lena & Peter

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26 minutes ago, Voyeur House TV said:

This Saturday, Katie & Phil, Lena & Peter, will spend whole day fully naked at Voyeur House TV. Be sure not to miss that!

This is experiment many of our users were waiting for, and now these guys announced it as they are ready to try it out. Let's see on every of 10 cameras in this apartment how they will behave with no clothes on them at all.

Great! And what is the next step? Threesomes and orgies on demand? Can't wait for that :dodgy:

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  • StnCld316 changed the title to Katie & Phil, Lena & Peter

Told you so.

Although, there are far fewer of them today. Most of them just got pissed off and left or they just said fuck it whatever. Today's crowd is not particularly turned off by the staged events, but there was a time that such an announcement would be seen as nothing more then staged porn. The lines are moving folks.

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