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Everything posted by yelt

  1. Absolutely..Excellent Point! Although not often these days, I and my friends look pretty rough after an all night of partying. Thanks ddhm.
  2. Good Forum conversations Glad to move on from club hours. I believe much of what is being mentioned is speculative. Although, DDHM has a good point about Alberto allowing Martina to go too far with Nelly. How some of what occurred with that situation involves respect for one another and immaturity. At one time at B4 Alberto did mention to Bogdan that is would like to be out of RLC by the end of this year. I wonder if his plans have changed. Has anyone heard if his lawsuit can through and he was reimbursed for loses? Alberto spends about 80% - 85% of his waking time inside the apartment. Regardless of his vaccinated status, he could still go out. And Martina has begun a level of calm conversation expressing her concern. NOT ultimatums, I hope. Alberto could re-engage the thoughts of going to culinary school. He does all the cooking and seems to enjoy it. Culinary would be a good career. He spends a lot of time with the dogs and does not seem to do anything to expand his knowledge or life experience. Last I saw, he was exercising. His girlfriend, if I can call Martina that, is looking to the future, trying to advance her life with a career field she likes and most likely will do well. Martina has a pool of friends; she seems to enjoy being with and spends her weekends resulting in overnighters. It seems to be Fridays too Saturdays, now it sounds like Saturdays to Sunday as well. And of course, hardly ever sleeping in the same room. Does anyone know what that’s all about? Martina is on a schedule now; Alberto sleeping in the same bed should not be distraction. What I see in the activity or increase lack of between Alberto and Martina (except sex) could possibly be the beginning stages of MDD (Depression Disorder) for Alberto. They are no longer growing together. And if the sex diminishes...it could be a more complex, uprooted, and difficult relationship. If Alberto cannot fully help himself then I would hope Martina would take the initiative, not saying she should be responsible (he must take some initiative) but would be the only one to engage him in to doing more, a little at a time. Thoughts?
  3. Thanks Emnv. I will take that under advisement and re-read the post. I would prefer the video but will see. In the interim, have you ever heard of or worked with blarlo? Pricey but effective.
  4. Good Day Jen, I tend to agree with you. I would say she is going to someones house and then to the clubs. Knowing her amour for sex she could be having sex, but with no evidence it is hard to say although believable she is. We can only speculate and it seems she may not be telling Alberto. Also, in spite of what the translators say that it is over between Martina and Nelly for the moment, I believe, as she is texting her, she is still seeing her on short occasions. By the by, do you recall when the whole Ni..Ni conversation came about between Alberto and Martina? He was unset, She was upset and I believe she mention and I mean no harm, "fucking" other guys.
  5. Good Day Jen, Always good to hear your translation and thought provoking opinions. Do you think the couple of bi-sexual affairs were Martinas way of experimenting; Was it a fling and is it really over? Do you believe in people coming of age? Could the sexual positivism and weekly all nighters away from Alberto be connected? Yes, I don't believe Alberto or most on the forum can or will forget the elephant in the room nor the past. I agree, the story is not over. And I would not be surprised if it unfolds in front of us without Alberto in the room.
  6. Their relationship seems to be rooted deep within each others soul. A part of each other forever and in each others heart. Don't know why the relationship seems to be rocky but strong? Any thoughts they get out of RLC soon and also get married?
  7. Not another female. Another male. Did she tell Alberto? Don't believe she is on the pill any longer. On another note, it is 10am where I am. What time zone are you in? We seem to be the only two on.
  8. Emnv, Thanks for the response straight away. Alberto really needs to listen to what Martina is saying. I believe we all get a bit exaggerated with Alberto's lazy attitude and chilled personality. Yes she is restless! She is tired of going it alone with her friends every week, partying until dawn without Alberto. It seems especially hard for her to enjoys the social life Barcelona has to offer. For Martina, she would like to share more time with Alberto. Those nights with others could tempt her too accidentally be with someone of the opposite sex (male). She is exhausted with school, and yes it is a grueling schedule everyday. But she needs some relief, subsidence, other than coming home and looking at four walls, day in and day out, doing nothing. Martina is doing her part for him, he needs to step up for her, be more support than just fixing lunch and dinner or that bit of cleaning. I believe it is call LOVE. Everyone needs signs of love and affection. I hope he listens to her before it is too late. Alberto... Blame No one, Expect Nothing "Do Something"
  9. Yes. Perhaps the visit was to apologize to Gina, and later together meet with Martina and Alberto about the entire situation. Would be a good start for Nelly to seek help. But that is speculative. We wait!
  10. Good Points..Not sure a job would help. She already had the symptoms of depression before leaving B4. Nelly may be seeking the attention with the additional alcohol in hopes it will get her back to Martina. Nelly has been dropped from her girlfriend who she cared so much. And her so called husband unfortunately was not strong enough or smart enough to stop the situation to begin with or now to force her to seek help. Those of us that may have been dropped from a relationship as well as Martina, may understand the Nelly situation. I heard in a previous girlfriend relationship Martina was dropped hard from someone she thought she was in love with. She may have been sadden by the way it ended but with Alberto's help we can see she recovered. I think! Another thought is RLC finally listened to the viewers and made a business decision to remove N&B but continue the support. RLC may also have understood with what they were seeing, the situation they could be liable for an accidental occurrence with Nelly. Not sure they want that kind of attention.
  11. Good Day Deepdave, I agree with you on her after hour adventures. Although, I keep coming back to comments about her high sexual desire, which I believe to be normal and not high at all. She likes to have sex as do we all and she bates. Okay. It sounds like you heard what I heard. On one of those free moments, upon her return a couple days back from seeing Nelly, she told this to Alberto from the kitchen window. That may have been what initiated the heavy night of drinking.
  12. Here some wild and crazy speculation: Martina returns and comes through the door with her big friend (not to say he went with her) Martina returns and comes through the door with Nelly (again not to say she went with) Martina returns after a visit with her friend Nelly but already told Alberto Martina returns and leaves to visit her friend Nelly But if she saw the video as you described, how could she not be bothered.
  13. Good Day Jen, I hope all is well. Always enjoy your comments. To watch this had to be disgusting. JenniferMom: But I will speculate that if Martina saw the video of Nelly in Gina's apartment last night ... including peeing on the nightstand and then smelling her socks and panties ... Nelly and Bogdan may need to seek professional assistance. I think not Nelly, Bogdan and Martina! There may be the debate that exist, that Martina can do no wrong but if this video is the result of a couple days back when Martina told Alberto, her and Nelly are now separated. Then Martina may be as responsible for the actions of Nelly as Nelly, Bogdan and RLC. Martina should never have gotten involved with a married women..consent or not. Mostly, it is call cheating and unfortunately happens in real life. Yes, there is or was this strong friendship and affection connection between Nelly and Martina as many have previously mention. And after the on camera disconnect, off camera may have continued and there was most likely the continued texting. After the most recent event, perhaps now may be the time for Martina to be selfish and excuse herself from physically seeing Nelly and reframe from a lot of texting. Hopefully Nelly does not live closer to Martina for her to become more a worry. Sure, Martina would like to help her friend but could the best thing she could do at this time be to stop continuing to see or text Nelly, not encourage the situation. Each visit, each text may make it more difficult to come to reality. It's like seeking to help an alcoholic, continuing to support them by giving them just a little less alcohol. If it is that Martina wants another girlfriend relationship, hopefully this one will be a learning experience. It does not have to be over but a learning experience. There are a great number of beautiful individuals out there, let it happen the right way. My support for Martina and Alberto is and I have said this before, family and the school should be her priority! By the by, although no matter the circumstance, Alberto has been there for Martina. He does have a manner of sensitivity; as do we all! Alberto and Martina have what may only be described as a special relationship; perhaps it will stay strong, perhaps not. Also, if it is still occurring, I previously noticed the slight and continual kisses to the forehead, the cleaning, the dinners, the support, the attentive listening, the caressing, all shows of his affection for Martina. It is not all about sex. However, I would say as well, that sooner or later not having a job, not sleeping in the same bed or room, less and less activities together, all the things that make a strong relationship, etc. may begin to affect him and her to drawn them further apart. Last time I read we are mostly human.
  14. Thank you for responding to the question. With respect to "most of the people in the forum do not insult others"?
  15. To Deepdave and Emnv Thank you for responding. I just asked "Does anyone know if Martina left to go to her brothers b-day party? Did Nelly meet her to go as well?" I did not intend to be insulted. I understand your desire to protect Martina but please be careful..not to bully. You do not know me and nor I you. I have merely asked a couple of questions. I also understood in the context of the statement regarding Martina and Alberto, Omedo said, “Only Martina travels”. The question to Omedo was “Does it mean that Martina will travel alone, and Alberto will not join?” The response did not address Nelly nor was their reference to Martina traveling alone. It was “Only Martina travel”. And unless that what code for Nelly will not be joining or Martina will be traveling alone without anyone else. I guess I miss interpret the response.
  16. Does anyone know if Martina left to go to her brothers b-day party? Did Nelly meet her to go as well?
  17. DWI_She has an enormous sexual libido. ** Sometimes I’m not sure why we say Martina has a high sexual libido. I think it is normal for us all. Do we say high sexual appetite because she is bi-sexual? ** Also, if we believe her to have such a libido, why would we believe she is not engaging in sexual experiments on those long overnights with friends; Especially as we believe she is a bit kinky and drinks too much when out. I still wonder who helps her back to the apartment after the morning is over. Or why does she even return home in the early morning hour as opposed to later in the day? DWI_I still suspect, without prudent evidence, that they are still seeing each other off-cam...probably wishful thinking though. Anyway, thanks for your post. ** Agree with you here; that they may have still been seeing each other off cam as they know the game. However, I think so much has distracted the so-called strong love between them, that perhaps the love has somewhat faded with reasonability. Without evidence, I would say they have now officially broken off the relationship.
  18. Nicely written. One might say it was written to be especially delivered through careful and thorough consideration.
  19. Good Day ddhm, No disrespect to Alberto, but I agreed with you. Alberto has not excuse and it shouldn't be a surprise the day Martina comes in and says she is done with RLC and finish with the relationship. Alberto has had numerous opportunities to be more than just room mates with benefits. But I can't see any actions that express he cares; he does not care and she is tired of the conversation! How long before she starts holding back on the sex?? Just a thought, although he shows some affection towards Martina, you have to wonder with all the new found classmates and the Friday to Saturday long time adventures if she has found another girlfriend.
  20. Understood. Thanks. A fan from RLC would be nice. However, considering the rest of the apartment, a fan is most likely out of the question. Thanks
  21. And thats the reason he sleeps in the living room so often. He has a lot of colds?
  22. Good Day Jen Always good to read your rebuttals and comments. The script may resemble the one written for Bogdan and Nelly.. Instead of Martina telling Alberto everything about her and Nelly, some of which there was proof on camera. She does not appear to be saying, on camera whats going on with her and the big guy or least not a convincing story. However, with Martinas seemingly sexual appetite, and out going personality; both of which bare much visual proof, something could be occurring, sexual in nature outside of the cameras. It may not be with or just with the big guy. Just a thought, pulling in from previous conversations, so many (including Martina) have expressed dissatisfaction about Alberto not having a job, could it be speculation? After all he is getting paid by RLC.. It has also been said that Alberto and Martina have different lifestyles; have little in common. According too much earlier conversations about age, they are 4 years apart. And while that is not an area of concern, he is much more mature, relaxed and restrained than Martina. With that in mind, I think he knows what he is doing off camera and will let the train run her course. In the kitchen earlier, the body language with Alberto and the nervousness expressed by Martina and her friend may have revealed another story. But of course without proof, it is what this forum considers speculation...by some. I am reminded, in her words no one can tell Martina what she can or can not do. One other thing, The move by Martina to the other end of the bed might indicate their conversation may have been a serious exchange not written. Take care.
  23. Good Day Girlsfun, You make good sense, I think. So many on this forum think Martina's gods gift because she shows them every orafice she has and cares not who is watching. She can do no wrong. While everyone comments on her high sexual appetite, but when it comes to if she's fucking on the outside, oh no that couldn't be, she would not do that or too Alberto. I think Alberto knows she is fucking other guys. Not just on her all nighters but during her summertime adventures during the day or whenever she gets the feeling. Like someone said earlier, Alberto doesn't care as long as he/they lives up to the contract. And as long as Martina sucks his penis and fucks him from time to time. And from as much as I have seen... even with the Nell girl, there is much better out there than Martina. We are talking Barcelona..soooo much better out there! Girlsfun, you are are fun to read Thank you
  24. Good Day Jen, Very well stated. Thank you for that! I apprehend and catch sight of some very skeptical things in replays that in the fullness of time lead me to questions the script. Would we be so enclosed had they not had sex. Possibly. My only interest is the determination expressed by Martina to improve her life and to treat Alberto with some respect for excepting her as she is. He is as he is and she is as she is and when the time is right he will get a job. Please don't get me wrong, I do not believe there is anything is wrong with them (M&N) having a relationship, sexual or otherwise, as long as all parties are in agreement. In this case, according to our translators, one of the parties involved lied from the beginning. If she lied once she will lie again. Stay well.
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