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Everything posted by wathou

  1. Back then there wasn't that much "action" on cam 2 but now damn the now freeloader + members numbers is propably pretty high
  2. LMAO is a 11Mbps even exist, right now i'm belgium and even there isn't that crapy internet ^^'
  3. if you have a probleme it's from your internet, i'm on a crappy laptop and never had any probleme but i have a 200MBS internet ^^'
  4. i did too don't worry but if the answer is an UM, it's really not smart from RLC unless they can fix it quick ! :X
  5. irma seriously scaring me by standing in the hall :X let's hope it's jsut to take selfie of her new denim ^^'
  6. the replay is 30$ + subscription 45$ = 75$/month and the quality in general hasn't improve ( i'd say it even decrease ! ) ....
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