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Everything posted by wathou

  1. if you want the proof : Replied: Saturday at 08:04 PM · Report At the beginning of the video they talk about food. Then conversation comes about Alex. Irma says that Alex gave her some task. As I understand it, they plan to meet with Alex. (I have the impression that the girls "working" at Alex. Apparently they visit his exposition at the exhibition and communicate with his partners and customers. This is my personal and subjective opinion). Then the girls talk about sculpting. As I understand it, they are going to sculpt a dick. I think it will be a show for the audience like the one that made the girls in B2
  2. OMG LMAO 2 days ago yury tanslated a conversation bewteen the girls at b1 saying that irma was working a convention for alex ( that we knew) and they were going to make dick from clay just LMAO all this shite is scripted or what ...
  3. it's like them doing sports in their room where there is no space although there is a huge living room ... ( angelina started using it 2 days ago tho ^^')
  4. agree with that, but once danaya leaves and if the twins go to b2 i'm scared for the girls that will take the twins room, new one or "veteran" and i hope she won't stick to alex (maybe / probably too late for stella tho)
  5. Before trying to fix things rlc has to" kill" the virus, if you ask me ... many won't agree but right now ( IMO) i think it's the only solution before trying to shape things up ^^'
  6. je penses y a plus rien a espérée de irma & stella, peut-être une soirée lesbienne pour arrondir la fin du mois. Mais là c'est juste grotesque ...
  7. B1 is seriously getting rediculous, when irma & stella are not stuck on their phone all day they are outside, and the only "sexual" think that is happening is always when alex is around. And now from what i red alex has already one hand one stella ...
  8. Hey just came back from work did irma & alex talk about something interesting ? Btw strange noise coming from the hall ...
  9. anyone know what danaya is doing ? taking picture with a sign " i love you X " anyone saw the name ?
  10. Rlc has banned russian ip adress ( that's one of the reason yury doesn't tranlate unless you send him the video) And as for kitek i don't know, maybe he is done with the rlc bullshit ^^'
  11. LMAO stella & irma are going out nice ... maybe they'll bring back the wonder boy amazing can't wait to see some real openess ...
  12. me too mate, i'd rather watch the girls having a "fake" party than paying 75$/month to watch all the girls watching a "real" movie ^^'
  13. yhea agree i think the best solution woud be the twins in danaya's room ( if she leavess ^^'). But it's up to rlc we don't have any say in that ^^' Btw the name "emperor" always make me laugh it sounds like we are in middle age LMAO
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