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Everything posted by wathou

  1. Guys can we cut the crap about real or fake, who gives a fuck ? if you are here it's because you like rlc ... if you have any complain go to the support ? or open a new topic to debate if rlc is real or fake ?
  2. i think she is doing the trick that the others girls did to go to b2 like belle said to michelle "just stick to b1 & the emperor will move you" ^^' i guess she is either going to earn a room at b1 or showing the emperor that she doesn't want to stay with the twins so thet they could move to b2 with gina ^^'
  3. yes ^^ but she is on her balcony where you can see on cam13 in the corner she was sitting there
  4. Angelina was on the balcony in her room/ gina's room she was sitiing there ^^' ( you could have seen it from cam 13)
  5. ho yhea but bad talking him to the other girls & getting fingerbanged/licked help conceal the relationship LMAO
  6. i never saw them kissed, or any sign of "love" between expect the fingerbanging. He is defently not her bf And it was translated that irma talk badly about him to the other girls ( laughing because of his micro penis, him doing whatever she said, ....)
  7. were you there when megan was there ? before the lesbian night she was like danaya ... be carefull of what you wish for
  8. i would have agree with you at her last visit. But the whole alex fella is really disgusting me, and makes me really unconfortable to watch ...
  9. i don't think so, like irma i think she has put a few kilo since they arrive ^^' ( when you are paid 2000€ for doing nothing and your only expense are food i think it's a natural think ^^')
  10. that's a good question ^^' but i'm pretty sure that the twins will get this room. Too bad irma isn't packing it would move the bad dynamic ^^'
  11. You see naga, i was right yesterday when i said that i had the strange feeling that either alex would show up or they would go out. Both happened xD ( sadly )
  12. yhea you know how jealous i'm ... especially about irma LMAO It's not that i feel unconfortable ( sick?) watching an old dude fingerbanging/licking two friends where theres is obviously no "love" ( no kiss ...) between them. No is just that i'm jealous
  13. I don't know why u brought lima into it, but since u did yes she was, she even spoke in english on the phone about her price for "deepthroat" and "bdsm" ... But i don't think irma is like lima, at least more "soft" before alex only watched he couldn't touch anyone ... now things have evovled i'd say ... And i'd like also to remind you that the first time that stella met alex, he told her about "prices" like iphone against naughty pictures (like irma already does with him)
  14. Only for alex. The dude that you were talking about i could understand he was probably a one or two times nightstand ^^ But alex come on ... he is almost twice their age and i won't talk about his physique again :X
  15. Yes they do and they are more carefull than before now they blacklist your ip & it's a pain in the ass to resubcribe :X so be carefull
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