Leora got caught by Paul masturbating in the guest room onec before and she looked real embarrased. Today she was minutes away from getting caught using the black dildo. i would have lived to see his reaction to seeing her with that.
I think the website makes suggestions to the people on how they can increase viewers and ultimately membership. Sleeping in front of a free camera is one way to attract more attention.
They had sex earlier today. I'm not surprised no one posted about it because it was probably missed by everyone but me. She looked hot in her black bra, panties and stockings and he lasted about two minutes and it was all over. Her panties never even came off. She sill has the outfit on probably to tease viewers that they may have sex soon. I doubt it though. He was satisfied, but it looked like she wasn't. Maybe she can convince him to stop playing his game and take care of her.
I picked a good day to work from home. She is really getting into it. Playing with her boobs and her pussy at the same time. And now she just left to finish in the bathroom. GRRRR!
Why does she stay with this guy? He literally shoved his limp dick into her mouth as if they were planning on having sex, then turns down her advances and gets dressed. She is naked now and probably hoping he leaves so she can masturbate and pleasure herself. I don’t think he can pleasure her.
She is wearing high heels, fishnet stockings, black bra and panties, and a collar. He whipped and spanked her until her ass was bright red then pounded her from behind an never climaxed, So they stopped, she got him a drink, gave him a BJ for a while, then got on top and had sex with him some more. Her moaning is enough to get most guys off. What could be taking him so long?