The last hour of watching these two was a huge tease. Leora wearing nothing but socks letting Paul massage he body and flashing herself to to cameras. It looked like Paul had a chance for sex but was shut down. Maybe now that he has left she will pleasure herself.
I am sure he would not mind iif she joined them. He was proudly showing off his boner but the other woman showed no interest. Maybe next time. She has not put her panties on yet, so maybe she is not done yet and will finish herself off.
Sex just ended in living room. She did not seem to interested in having sex and let him take her from behind. When he got tired she finished him off with a blowjob. They did not care that people were walking in on them.
Kitty is very angry at Smith today. I wonder what it is all about. He is not arguing back. I suppose neither would I if she was naked in front of me too.
I have searched and can't find anyone's opinions on what they think Sasha does on the computer. There are times Dasha will replace him and use the computer too. Are they playing a game? Does anyone know or have any comments on this?
She was there for him and he did not seem to care if she enjoyed herself or not. So sad. She tried so hard to get him to climax but he finally had to take matter into his own hands and jack off. When he was done he cleaned up, got himself an ice cream bar, and returned to the couch. There was no talking, or any kind of interaction after having sex. I bet she feels very used. What is keeping her with this guy?