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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. I grew up hearing the word "eejit", although it was pronounced with more of an "i" sound at the beginning, "iejit". I've never heard of "dafty", but "daft" is a common enough word, here. Thanks.
  2. Forget the cameras, I'll have some of what's on the plates, thank you.
  3. 🤣🤣 Now, you're just being nutty. Sorry, I don't know the Scots' term for that.
  4. Shame, shame. You're lucky Dave didn't see this.
  5. Just get out those milk bottle glasses, you'll figure it out.
  6. You're looking at the pic I posted. Look higher at the same pic that Budda posted.
  7. Not upside down. If the TV were upside down, the people would be, too. I just flipped it horizontally, like you would turn a page in a book. If I had flipped it vertically, everything would be upside down, like this. Or, it just might be a bad tattoo. Since I can't see the bedroom, except in the posted pictures, I don't know if Budda's pic was flipped before he posted it, or not. If it wasn't, then it's a bad tattoo.
  8. That shape, form, whatever you want to call it, is referred to as androgenous: A male or female (usually young) who could be mistaken for either sex. Usually a feminine boy or a cute girl with boyish features.
  9. Jabba, someone said Nina's parents were there. Do you really expect something "interesting" to happen?
  10. Poor Kira. No fun. Kira, if you read this — I know it won't do any good, now — but whenever I thought I might have a hangover, I would always take some aspirin and a couple of Alka-Seltzer. It always worked for me. I read about it somewhere years ago, but they said it had to do with the effervescence in the Alka-Seltzer that made it work. I swear by it. Hope it helps in the future, although you've probably sworn off alcohol by now.
  11. These are pictures. (Content No Longer Available)
  12. I promise you, I would love it waaaay more than she would!!!
  13. Actually, I'd kick them ALL out of bed... . . . . . . To have sex on the floor with them. Well, except for Kira.
  14. The trouble with rlc and VPNs is they automatically recognize some and if they see you trying to access the site using one of those VPNs, you get that screen you described. It's just a matter of finding one they don't recognize and there are new ones forming all the time.
  15. Remember, you can preview before you download. Irma late toybate and relax (Content No Longer Available)
  16. Even in this situation, however, a VPN will still get you back to the free cams.
  17. It's not how things get posted that's the problem. CC requires us to use a 3rd party host to post content in the rlc forum. The problem is rlc comes right behind us and uses the DMCA to force the 3rd party hosts to delete what we post almost as soon as we post it.
  18. This was posted about 10 days ago. Hope it helps. https://camcaps.net/forums/topic/16694-milly-2020-part-2/?do=findComment&comment=1636014637
  19. All speculation here. Possibly she has chronic back problems and the bed's too soft. Maybe the floor is a tad bit cooler. Some people do run hot (core temp). It could be something she started doing as a child and just never grew out of.
  20. LOL! Silly bugger. I never said I didn't believe you. It was just so perfect, I just couldn't tell whether to believe it or not.
  21. Hi Mark, I think you have to be a Premium CC Member to do that or in order to use the Attachment Center (AC) in any way. Using the AC is one of the perks of being a Premium CC Member.
  22. Is that the same as, "licking the splits"—"lickety-split?"
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