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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Posted Sunday at 05:04 PM by Ridgerunner No. The drug has been so trashed by the news media and the medical establishment that doctors may be afraid to give it to him for fear of being criticized and because they have no firsthand experience in administering the drug for covid-19. __________________ Has nothing to do with the media or fear. The FDA hasn't approved its use. In fact, they revoked the Emergency Use Authorization because they, "...found these medicines showed no benefit for decreasing the likelihood of death or speeding recovery." As this chart shows, of the 385 cases using CQ or HCQ during the trials, 87, or nearly 25% died from adverse effects of using those drugs. The link is the full summary. July 1, 2020 Update: A summary of the FDA review of safety issues with the use of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine to treat hospitalized patients with COVID-19 is now available. This includes reports of serious heart rhythm problems and other safety issues, including blood and lymph system disorders, kidney injuries, and liver problems and failure. June 15, 2020 Update: Based on ongoing analysis and emerging scientific data, FDA has revoked the emergency use authorization (EUA) to use hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine to treat COVID-19 in certain hospitalized patients when a clinical trial is unavailable or participation is not feasible. We made this determination based on recent results from a large, randomized clinical trial in hospitalized patients that found these medicines showed no benefit for decreasing the likelihood of death or speeding recovery. This outcome was consistent with other new data, including those showing the suggested dosing for these medicines are unlikely to kill or inhibit the virus that causes COVID-19. As a result, we determined that the legal criteria for the EUA are no longer met. Please refer to the Revocation of the EUA Letter and FAQs on the Revocation of the EUA for Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate and Chloroquine Phosphate for more information.
  2. I think I finally found a copy of that video where Claudia is "fixing" her "misinterpretation" about her mother's infection. She live-streamed it and KAC was very briefly shown at the end of it. KAC said in the video that Claudia had, "...lied about her fucking mother about covid." Is that the one you posted?
  3. Thank God for that, but I said in a previous post that not all FOX reporters were IQ45 ass lickers.
  4. I thought it was the other way around. I saw a video from TikTok of KAC's daughter, Claudia, calling out her mom, saying WTF because she was infected. It was Claudia who first outed her mother "coughing all around the house after Trump tested positive for covid," before KAC announced she was positive. Claudia also said her mother lied to the family saying she wasn't infected, while knowing she was. Now, Claudia is also infected. Claudia, 15, is also a huge never-trumper and doesn't hide her hatred for him or pull any punches when it comes to describing him. Too bad she can't vote.
  5. I didn't correct you. I simply stated on what I based my reply.
  6. This is what she said: "but he thought he could fuck her... this was not agreed, discussed.." Seems pretty clear it was not agreed he could fuck Chrissy.
  7. And FOX is so, "We love the psychopath so much, we would lick his asshole 24/7." Oh, wait, they do that already.
  8. I never said he called himself a white supremacist. But I did see him call himself a nationalist at one of his rallies and, even though he mostly looks orange, he is white.
  9. You should change your text color to yellow. It would be a lot better for everyone.
  10. Wish I could see it, but I got this error: The site at https://twitter.com/sbstryker/status/1313350441091047425/video/1 has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired. The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because an error in the data transmission was detected. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
  11. She actually said that she let Alec masturbate Chrissy, not that he was only allowed to do that.
  12. I was going by what Alisa said, that Alec agreed not to fuck Chrissy. Meaning, no matter what else happened, he was not to fuck Chrissy.
  13. RLC is the culprit here. They just love to protect their copyright. They don't want any of their content posted, so they religiously have it deleted from whatever 3rd party host it was uploaded to, which means it disappears from this site, as well.
  15. Absolutely! If you make an agreement, even in an open relationship, you need to follow the rules of that agreement. If someone breaks the rules, especially in an open relationship, the other party feels betrayed by someone they trusted and has every right to be angry. Alisa stated they had agreed Alec would not fuck Chrissy. She trusted him to abide by that agreement. Alec broke the rules by fucking Chrissy. Alisa was betrayed. Her trust was violated. I damn sure don't blame Alisa for being upset. And she got angry, just like any normal person would. Alisa also stated that her relationships with other girls is not considered cheating, as far as she and Alec are concerned, so there's no reason to believe that Alec would have any reason for revenge, in that respect, by fucking Chrissy. The last thing you ever want to do with an angry, upset person, especially one who feels they've been betrayed, is tell them to calm down, even if it might be good for their health. That all but exonerates the person who made them angry, in this case, the betrayer, and makes the angry person feel as if they are being blamed for being angry, when they have every right to be. Anger is also a healthy emotion. It can be cathartic. ca·thar·tic - /kəˈTHärdik/ -adjective providing psychological relief through the open expression of strong emotions; causing catharsis. "crying is a cathartic release"
  16. I know who Louis Farrakhan is, but I don't know much about him. But, if their "...speech is only meant to lift up their race," doesn't that automatically degrade others, especially the way IQ45 sows hatred. When they can only say good things about "their" race, that denigrates other races.
  17. Granted. Sadly, that is true. But then, how can you possibly believe the psychopath is not a racist?
  18. @Ridgerunnersaid, "You probably missed the story about the Virginia governor having covid-19 because the "so fair and unbiased" MSNBC and CNN did report on it since it didn't fit their destroy Trump and Republicans political agenda." __________________ Change the subject, redirect, rinse, repeat, over and over, etc., etc., etc.
  19. In general, I would say you're right, but if you think IQ45 is not a racist, I'm not sure you've learned from previous generations.
  20. As it should be. And, of course, and per usual, you ignored everything else I said. Avoid, deflect, mislead, etc., etc., just like a broken record.
  21. Any port in a storm, eh? You ever fuck a mattress? You stick your dick between the mattress and box spring and go to town. There was a show on Showtime called Ray Donovan, played by Liev Schrieber, whose TV son was caught doing just that, by his TV mom.
  22. You claim to be Black, so I'm going to take you at your word. But, for you to say, especially as a Black person, that the psychopath is not a racist, is not only blind, but irresponsible. He is one of the most racist, misogynistic, xenophobes on the planet. Then, right after you claim he is not a racist, you say, "He is trying to stifle what he see's as the degradation of the America White Race." Not only is that statement in and of itself a racist statement, but used to describe IQ45, actually proves he's a racist. He even called himself a white nationalist, i.e. a white supremacist. Many more people who are much more expert than I have said with authority that the psychopath is a racist. I'll go with what they say. They have the knowledge and experience.
  23. I don't even watch CNN or MSNBC, but from what I've seen on the Internet of all three, compared to videos of your dear psychopath speaking, CNN and MSNBC are a damn sight more fair, objective, accurate and truthful than FOX any day of the week. As I've told you before, he who never listens, I don't give half a shit what party any politician belongs to. If they are an asshole and a detriment to this country and its people, they have to go. And your dear psychopath is the biggest derelict, irresponsible, reckless, negligent, untrustworthy, asshole liar there ever was. And Barr and McConnell are running 2nd and 3rd, in no particular order. You might be right about that. From what I've seen, they are blatantly, irresponsibly, stuff-it-down-your-throat partisan, to the point of, "If you don't believe what I believe, you're not an American." What you're saying is, it's perfectly OK for FOX to be biased, partisan, cheerleading little trumpets, but no one else is allowed to be the opposite. You have as much impudence, insolence and gall as FOX. If you call FOX fair-minded, you're as blind as they are. They have their heads as far up IQ45's ass as you do. CNN, MSNBC and the like, are one hell of lot more fair-minded than FOX could ever pretend to be in this lifetime or any other.
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