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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. I kept thinking, that is the strangest looking dildo/vibrator I think I've ever seen. Then she pulled it out a little. Then a little more. It looks like a pink, plastic replica of the Eiffel Tower, except with a rounded end on top.
  2. I'm not even sure what to say. First, you apologize, then you accuse me of something I already said I didn't know. And, I never took a shot at you. I said before, there was no malice in my first post. But, you obviously wanted to make sure I saw this post. After your apology, I have no idea why you would say something like this. I've never lied to you, or anyone else on this site, for that matter, about anything, for any reason. That extends into my life off this site, as well. Think about it, why would I lie? Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't need to. I'm free to say just about anything I want on this site, but I choose to always deal in truth and accuracy. What I can't do is make people believe what I say, that's their decision. But, that doesn't change the truth of what I say, and it's always true. So, truth is my choice, belief is yours.
  3. You were never evil, Ash, not in my book, and no need to apologize. It was not my intention to make you sad. I agree with you about this topic, I don't like much of what is said here and yes the politicians are assholes, although I think we might disagree which ones are assholes. But, that's OK, friends can disagree and still be friends. When I find my first post that upset you, I'll delete it. I'm so far behind. I haven't read anything in this new topic. except a very few random posts, and I've still got pages in the previous one that was closed some days ago that I haven't read. But I'll get there, hopefully sooner than later. Take care of you and Guy. I hope you both and your parents are safe and well.
  4. The host you used blocked your image. We don't know which video you want posted.
  5. This Presidential Candidate Is Not Well (And this was before he contracted COVID-19.)
  6. Ash, I didn't assume anything. I wanted to know why another user called you out for laughing at people dying alone, which I found preposterous, so I traced it back to your original post. You posted "LOL" in response to a Lincoln Project video about people dying alone, with and because of COVID-19. The last few seconds in that video were negative about IQ45, but the vast majority of it was about the lonely deaths of COVID-19 patients. If you were laughing at the last seconds that were negative about the psychopath, a qualification to that effect would seem appropriate. Posting just "LOL" made it look as though you were laughing at the entire video. I had no way to know if you posted by accident and no reason to think it was. It's been three days since your post, the other user asking why you were laughing and now, you could have corrected any mistake, but it's there, even now. My previous post harbored no anger, malice or ill-will towards you, Ash, I was just sad, but even the last line of this post seems out of character for you.
  7. @O_U812I thought you might be interested in this. There is a workaround and a fix for the above error. The problem is caused by the browser cache and cookie files. I think more the cookie file, as I first deleted the cache file and that didn't help. The page wouldn't load for me when I first clicked the link, nor when I pressed F5 to refresh the page, both of which, apparently, load the page from the cache file. I know F5 does. The workaround is to force the browser to bypass the cache and go back to the server to load the page. To do that, press Ctrl+F5 or Ctrl+Shift+F5. That worked for me, but I still got the error whenever I first clicked the link to open the page. I also noticed it only seemed to happen when I tried to open Twitter pages. The fix is to clear the cache and cookie files. I'm always reluctant to delete my cookies, as there is a LOT of very useful data in your cookies, so I took a more subtle approach. I cleared the cache file and deleted just the Twitter cookies. That fixed the problem completely. Now, all Twitter pages open without the network protocol error. I guess there was a corrupted Twitter cookie in my file; there were only four. They were also taking up MBs of space, which is a little unusual, since cookies are very small. I hope that's helpful to somebody out there.
  8. I know Rob is old, but I wouldn't say he's ancient. According to Wiktionary, "woofter" comes from "poofter". Also, according to wiktionary, "Poofter is nowadays one of the most pejorative words in Australian English, perhaps because of its use in the phrase poofter-bashing, which arose during the 1960s and 1970s during organized hate crimes against homosexuals across Australia and particularly in the Sydney district of King's Cross." I checked several sources and a 20th century origin was also cited. I presumed it was British slang because it was Rob saying it, but it doesn't appear to be ancient.
  9. For those who may not be privy to the "Queen's" English , a woofter is: "Britain slang for a male homosexual"
  10. Thank you, Dr. Rigid Ridge Runner, for that brilliant medical assessment, based on your decades of research and experience as a doctor, scientist and foremost epidemiologist. Read the report.
  11. I wasn't telling him anything. It's his life, he should live it as he chooses and I would fully expect and encourage him to. So, that would be you claiming to understand.
  12. Here is what I said. Read it again. "He even called himself a white nationalist, i.e. a white supremacist." As you can plainly see, I said he called himself a white nationalist. "i.e." is Latin for id est, which means, "in other words." Another way to think about it is, it means, "the same as...
  13. Addison was first intended to be a boy's name—it means “son of Adam”—but its rapid climb up the naming charts have officially claimed it for the fairer sex. It feels more contemporary than Allison and not as girly as Madison, making it a modern, unisex choice.
  14. Posted Monday at 05:40 AM by @nagachilli2 Total political theatre...Absolutely unfuckingbelievable!!!!! This bloke is a total idiot! He just makes it up as he goes along. When 'Covid the Movie' eventually comes out, I can see this guy playing Trump... 0 Words escape me I'm afraid...I've lost faith in Boris and his team, but this is several levels beyond...He's a fucking joke and I can't believe some of you guys actually support this idiot! _________________ Unfortunately, Leslie Nielsen died 10 years ago, but you're absolutely right about the rest of it.
  15. Posted Monday at 12:04 AM by @EyesOnly A racist is uncomfortable around minorities because he secretly wants to kill them. ______________ If that's your criteria for determining a racist, you really should watch your back. These days, a racist, or anyone who wishes you harm, will likely pretend to love you, then stab you in the back when your guard is down. This, IMHO, is how the psychopath operates. He's not called the psychopath for no reason. He ticks off at least 16 of the 20 criteria on the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised. Also, being a narcissist, he doesn't give a shit about anyone except himself, so he pretends to care. Then, he sneaks up behind you and throws you under the bus. Times change, people change, the way you make decisions needs to change along with the times.
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