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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. I've never been much of a game player, unless it was a word game—except Scrabble, never cared much for that one. My favorite is Boggle. I've never heard of Fallout.
  2. Probably. Maybe that's why they've been around for 200 million years. Can you imagine how big they must have been back then? 😊
  3. So, I had it right, I just didn't know the "why" behind you using it that way. Thanks for explaining. 😊
  4. That's funny. I translated "litter box" to German and got, "katzentoilette", which sounds like what you probably translated from German to English. Interesting.
  5. Isn't that what you meant by, "...it has two words," "...and the second is 'off'"? I thought you just didn't want to put the word "fuck" in there.
  6. "Smartass" is one word and "fuck off" is two more. That makes three.
  7. You do realize you're talking to yourself, right?
  8. Thank God! But, I'll bet it did for several months. 😊
  9. Are you trying to be seriously funny?
  10. I wanted to get a better look at her tat, but when I enlarged the pic, I noticed what looked like puncture wounds on her upper thigh. At first, I thought something had pierced her thigh all the way through, but then saw she has four pairs of those scars all the way to her knee. So, maybe she had pins in her leg to help set a break, which would be a feat in itself because the femur is the strongest bone in the body and very hard to break. It would take quite a lot of force to sustain a femur fracture. If that's what happened, it must have been very painful, both the break and its cause.
  11. They've been around for 200 million years and range from small to very large. There are 46,000 species of cockroach across the globe. Australia has a 3-inch (8 cm) variety, while Central America and South America have larger ones, some with a 12-inch (30 cm) wingspan! No shit!! They prefer temperatures between 77-86 degrees Fahrenheit (25-30 degrees Celsius), but some can live in hotter temperatures and some in much colder climates. Despite this, most types of cockroaches cannot survive if the temperatures reach below zero degrees Fahrenheit (-17 degrees Celsius). When the temperature dips this low, they will die off. Common female cockroaches can reproduce for years without needing a mate, producing dozens of generations of all-female descendants. And, the most common species of cockroach worldwide—wait for it— the German cockroach. 16 Awesome At-Home Remedies for Killing Roaches
  12. When the topic gets between 3-5 pages, the other format will kick in. The one with the split page and the other column down the right side. Then the posts and pics will occupy the left side of the page. I prefer the layout above.
  13. Maybe someone on his way to work. Nice way to start the day.
  14. Not me. I use DuckDuckGo. Besides, that's more than one word. Google only has two "o's". (Just kidding. I used to use DuckDuckGo because they don't track you or store your queries, but I returned to Google. I wanted to see what you'd say.)
  15. An excellent description and definition of IQ45's "base". "Trump and his spokespersons have consistently presented information and opinions intended to strongly impact the emotional state of their followers. This leads vulnerable followers, who rely on their feelings to define reality rather than examining objective facts, to strongly "feel" that the "information" they are provided is accurate. Feeling convinced, they will not explore or consider any other information or facts; they distrust, disbelieve and (angrily) reject as "fake" any contrary information; they disregard logical inconsistencies; and ultimately, they act decisively on the basis of the "information" provided (in a manner that meets the purposes of the Trump cabal). Despite the total inconsistency with objective facts, they continue to view Trump as essentially infallible, honor him with adulation, rally to his support — and project onto perceived "enemies" blame for any negative events that befall Trump or his admirers. This is occurring at the current time when, even at their own peril and even though medical evidence and objective facts clearly indicate that Trump himself has dangerously ignored warnings and left himself, his administration and his followers vulnerable to COVID infection, Trump's followers continue to maintain convoluted explanations or conspiracy theories in order to justify feeling that they and Trump are innocent victims."
  16. She's the first person I've seen use it. Of course, I only have the posted pics to go by.
  17. So, now you have Morrisons, instead. What's my favorite source? 😊
  18. I hope they come back. I really like Ilka.
  19. We call them litter boxes across the pond. Is that what they're called in Europe, or did you just make that up?
  20. Wow, you have Safeway in the UK? I thought they were only in the US.
  21. Hey, Franklin. You were doing great until you got to this part , but you're definitely on the right track. It is possible that people will post videos from paid cams here on CC. There are at least three ways that can happen. If someone decides not to renew their sub or if someone got banned from RLC for whatever reason, they may decide to post what they have recorded from the paid cams. Or, if someone finds such videos on another site, in which case if anyone was banned because those videos were posted elsewhere, there's no worry that they can be banned again, so they can be posted anywhere.
  22. I'd be happy with whatever you're willing to share of any female from any apartment, except maybe Carla. She doesn't do much for me. But, I'll leave it up to you.
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