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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. That makes two of us. Mia and Lia come to mind. I love those girls.
  2. Are you sure about that? You should maybe check the reactions on some of your previous jokes. 😊
  3. What do you mean? They're just hanging out watching TV—or the telly, as you say across the pond.
  4. As long as they do it naked, who could possibly complain? Oh wait, that would be you wouldn't it, my big, bold, brash, British buddy. And, cats are the best.
  5. I resemble that remark. Proud to be a card-carrying member of the International Perverts Club.
  6. I was just curious. It was a simple question, asked 15 minutes after he posted it.
  7. No, what post of mine did you quote in the post at this link? https://camcaps.net/forums/topic/17725-nina-kira-2020-part-9/?do=findComment&comment=1635997644 You quoted one of my posts at this link, but when I went looking for the post you quoted, it's not there. Which post of mine did you quote at the above link? What did it say?
  8. Do you remember which post of mine you quoted? I tried jumping back to it to see what you were referring to, but there was no post found.
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