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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. It's been decades, but I've used dot matrix printers. I never knew they could play music, however. I also never knew they had ones that printed in color. Thanks. Here's an interesting musical instrument, which I found at the end of your first video.
  2. The video at the top of the page translates—from Ukranian—to, "History of Ukrainian Mafias".
  3. Are you doing your Back To The Future imitation? I don't think we've quite reached this year, yet.
  4. Hey, @sturmchaser, I thought this might be of interest to you. Have you ever been on a road like this? https://www.youtubetrimmer.com/view/?v=Ycj8YYoFqe4&start=273&end=298 (Note: If you want to play it again, you have to refresh the tab, otherwise it will play the entire video from the beginning.)
  5. From the looks of things, they've emptied out all the kitchen cupboards and are washing every dish, as if, possibly, they found more bugs in the cupboards. Just a guess.
  6. Both sound and motion detection is adjustable to cancel out ambient sounds and motion in the room, but it was just a thought.
  7. It only records on sound or motion detection, so the videos are just a few seconds long. Most people don't snore continuously, so it doesn't record continuously.
  8. Check out iSpy. It records video on sound and motion detection. Record yourself while you sleep. iSpy Download There's also Agent DVR on the same page, but it's newer and I know nothing about it.
  9. BTW, @Robwin, I once had a cat named, Little Shit. She was completely black. No correlation, just made me think of her.
  10. Only two: jings crivvens. I looked up crivvens and low and behold, look what I found right off the bat. 😜( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛) “Jings, Crivvens, Help ma boab!” – An exclamation of surprise, bewonderment and a cry for help all rolled into 1.
  11. If I hadn't agreed with it, I wouldn't have posted it. You said I spoke those words, I said they weren't my words, I just quoted someone else, just like everyone here, including yourself. I never said I didn't agree with them.
  12. But, there's no description needed, really. If you click in the Files box, then click on the little picture to the right of the name, you can play the entire video before you download it. See below.
  13. When I searched for Palmetto bugs, I got hundreds of pictures of roaches of many different sizes and shapes, even the Florida Woods Cockroach, but nothing even remotely resembling the bug in the previous pic. Not even close. I don't know what that thing was, but it is definitely weird looking.
  14. If you notice the quotes and italics, you'd have known I didn't say it. I merely quoted someone else's words.
  15. Persistent, resilient little mothers.
  16. You're quite welcome, you little shit. It was actually a pure guess. I have no experience in the matter.
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