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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. That's what I said before the wedding. Face, hair, tits and tats, also make me think they're sisters. 👍
  2. One day, he'll get you back for that. Muahahaha!
  3. Why...when...who? Sorry, just couldn't resist.
  4. This is a more current picture of Hagar, from this year. Plus, Clinton not only has a bad heart, he also has Parkinson's disease, which is causing him to waste away before our eyes.
  5. That is a great optical illusion!
  6. I don't know what cock kick back is, but did you mean Milly's "arm" or "arse"? And, just out of curiosity, is the "r" silent or do you say "Rss"? Just wondering.
  7. I love watching her when she's making faces.
  8. More than 50 GOP former national security officials endorse Biden "Elizabeth Neumann, Trump’s former assistant secretary for threat prevention in the Department of Homeland Security, told Reuters that many officials finalized their endorsement for Biden after President Trump refused to denounce white supremacy at the presidential debate Tuesday night." “He has an inability to clearly condemn white supremacists,” Neumann told the wire service. “He either likes the ambiguity or he’s intentionally endorsing these people. He’s unfit, and I think he’s extremely dangerous.” Full article: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/519089-more-than-50-gop-former-national-security-officials-endorse-biden
  9. Now, I know why I got this in another topic. "Yeah well It's been a Hard days night so Let it be, Yesterday may have been better but We can work it out so Don't let me down, Come together just A day in the life of VH "
  10. Besides, $1,000,000 Rubles is only $12,918 USD, not that you're necessarily from the US. 😊
  11. What are you bletherin' on aboot. 😊 Are you being serious (I should know better by now, eh), or are you just talking about the Beatles (for reasons unknown) ?
  12. Isn't everybody just the class clown all of a sudden. McTossers.
  13. Trump has 66 GOP endorsements ‘former national security and senior officials’ — who have no real experience: conservative The former vice president has the endorsement of 780 retired military officers and national security appointees — nearly 12 times as many as Trump.
  14. More than 200 retired generals, admirals endorse Biden, including some who served under Trump
  15. Over 70 Republican National Security Officials Endorse Biden, Deem Trump ‘Dangerously Unfit’ For President
  16. This is why I said it was "bathing." DOOKING, v.1, n.1 I. 1. (1) Add to defin.: immersing into water or other liquid Dook yer haun in the waater an see if it's cauld yit.
  17. I said I wasn't bathing in that cold stuff. But, it probably also means "shitting", too, right?
  18. LOL, you're probably right about the teacher.
  19. Sorry, you can count me out of the Loony Dook. I don't do cold, bathing or otherwise.
  20. While it may look or sound strange to say it that way, it may not be technically incorrect.
  21. I've used Tineye for a decade or more. What a fantastic little extension/website. I use Firefox 99% of the time, so I have not tried Noobox, but there are lots of alternatives. I just found a Firefox extension for Noobox.
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