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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. That was amazing and ingenious, but what about Kira's fantastic butt???
  4. You ever hear of a little thing called the World Wide Web or the Internet. World-wide communication and research has been around for quite a number of years. Anyone can learn anything they want to know about almost anything, anyplace or anyone they desire.
  5. I may have missed it, but I couldn't find any post that said anything about the Governor of Virginia until you brought it up. And, when you talk about a Democrat being responsible for his infection, that's blaming the opposition. And, finally, IQ45 is responsible for the entire country, not just himself. His disastrous and catastrophic mishandling and constant and intentional lying about this virus makes him completely and totally at fault for the outcome. He's responsible for everyone, just like every actual President before him.
  6. Perfect description of most Fox News journalists. I've never heard such garbage as they spew. And they have the gall to call themselves reporters.
  7. Of all the people who post in this topic, you are dead last on the list of anyone who can call anyone else, "stupid". That's a perfect example of the pot calling the kettle, "black".
  8. You can overdose on water. It's called hyponatremia and it can kill you. Too much of just about everything can be toxic and deadly to humans. So, your example of a Tylenol overdose means absolutely nothing. As for the bolded section, that's obviously true...for the diseases it is authorized to treat—malaria, RA and lupus—or it wouldn't still be authorized by the FDA to treat those diseases. But, COVID-19 is a game changer and your statement is completely irrelevant for that disease. It's a completely different disease with totally different symptoms, causing many different complications. There is no HCQ treatment for COVID-19. The side effects were proven to be too great a risk for treating COVID-19. HCQ is not a treatment for COVID-19. The FDA withdrew its Emergency Use Authorization for it months ago. And, even during that EMA, it was only used for highly specialized indications. But, as Nagachilli pointed out, this has all been explained to you multiple times before. Deja vu, Deja Vu, Deja Vu, Deja Vu, Deja Vu, Deja Vu...
  9. I don't, and I don't need to because the life of a man in Richmond, VA has nothing to do with the life and moronic behavior of IQ45. As I said, it's just you, once again, trying to change the subject, blame the opposition and deflect attention from the issue, with your multitude of inane "whataboutisms", just like the psychopath. As usual.
  10. I would love to see the return of Funny. Love Funny.
  11. Harley looks like she's looking to Freddy for approval or to see what his reaction might be. 😊
  12. That "whataboutism" has absolutely nothing to do with anything. It's just you trying to change the subject, blame the opposition and deflect attention from the issue. As usual.
  13. Haven't heard "tookus" in a very long time. Never knew about the wall kicking episode, but you're right, I've never read anything about them fighting.
  14. See AntEater's post at the top of the page, or you can read what I translated below. The new software keeps adding way too much space between stuff, so you'll have to expand two sections to see it all. IMHO, that bug needs to be fixed.
  15. About the only thing I can think of to make her kick him out is he cheated. That would be a shame. After all the years they've been together. I hope they can sort it out.
  16. In all fairness, it did say it was a "dated" definition. But a pimp is someone with a stable of prostitutes he hires out for cash.
  17. Diane and guest guy more oral fun in her room (Content No Longer Available)
  18. She was sitting so close to him, I thought it must be Alex. Thanks.
  19. You're right, the pervert was standing right next to me, the voyeur, looking in the window.
  20. Anna is the picture of loveliness, as ever. Is that Alex beside her. I can't tell. He looks so old.
  21. I didn't see anything. I just read the previous posts.
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