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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Judging from the type of temporary, removable cast she's wearing, she may have twisted or sprained her knee. Or, she might have torn her anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Just a guess.
  2. His original question was: "How are images from twitter going to have the logo on them?" I was just explaining why we couldn't add a VHTV watermark to a Twitter pic.
  3. Not completely accurate. "Site is under maintenance. It will be available very soon."
  4. Yes, but I meant actual pictures, not links.
  5. That didn't stop you from making a completely irrelevant, disparaging remark about a post that had absolutely nothing to do with you. First of all, the post was for Foamy to let him know his link worked. It was NOT for you. Secondly, I posted the link to the book, which has the title of the book right in it. All you had to do was read and click the link and all would have been revealed. But, that couldn't happen because you have your head up Dumpy's ass, so you hate Bezos, just like he does and probably only because he does. We should call you little Dumpy. BTW, that is NOT a compliment. "As far as Amazon, I have never bought anything there and I never will as long as Jeff Bezos is the CEO" That's what my Grandmother used to call, cutting off your nose to spite your face. And you STILL haven't responded to the reason I sent my first post.
  6. You can search directly on Chaturbate (CB), but you need the exact name. I don't think you can have a space in a CB name. I've never seen a name with a space in it.
  7. It's easy enough to add a watermark to a pic. There is free software all over the Internet to help you do that. But, you're not allowed to add a VHTV watermark to a Twitter pic because it didn't come from a VHTV camera. Having said that, it's also not allowed to post Twitter pics or any other social media pics of the tenants in this forum. Hope that's helpful.
  8. These and my original quote are from the Amazon book page. They are the ones who are using Essential Guide. But don't believe me. All you have to do is go to the book page and read it for yourself. Fair warning, though, you will have to click on the Read More button to see it. if you have a problem with Essential Guide, you'll need to take it up with Amazon. "Drawing on primary sources from all over the world - including state and national-level government data, Centers for Disease Control reports, and papers in prominent scientific journals - the Essential Guide offers clear, concise, and measured answers to some of the most important questions around the coronavirus." "Whether you have been skeptical of the media's panicked reporting all along or are just starting to wonder why the predictions of doom from March and April have not come to pass, the Essential Guide will provide you with the factual, accurate, and impeccably sourced information you need." And, still, you ignore the true reason for my first post.
  9. You are unbelievable and you are confused. I spoke about nothing except the book link This is my entire original post. This is your reply to that post. It contains no link. If you had hit the Quote button, the link would have carried forward with everything else. There are only two reasons, to my knowledge, why the link wouldn't be there. One, you highlighted everything except the link and quoted that, or two, you deleted the link after you hit the Quote button. But, my post wasn't even about that. You completely ignored the real reason for my comment. I wonder why that is, hmm?
  10. Thanks, Leone. I can see these and the rest you posted using this host. 👍
  11. Who cares about more bogus predictions. The experts haven't been right yet. Foamy posted a comment about a book he had read and recommended we read it. He also posted an Amazon link to that book where people could buy it. However, he said he couldn't get the link to work. My post, shown above with your comment, which, BTW, included the link to the book before you conveniently deleted it, was a simple comment to let him know that the book link actually did work. Your reply to my quite innocuous comment was some screwball, off-the-wall comment about experts not being right. You might also be interested to know that the book Foamy spoke about was the very same one that you touted in a previous post as something we should read. You said: "I suggest people read a new book by Alex Berensen entitled, "Unreported Truths About Covid-19 and Lockdowns." And all I said was the link to get to the book for purchasing it, worked. But, you clearly didn't read my post. You saw a link associated with something I said, you made an assumption and saw an opportunity to make a remark, a completely unrelated, idiotic, disparaging remark, about something I posted. You know, I never thought I'd see anyone beat out Donald Dump in the idiocy department because he is hands down the biggest idiot I've ever seen in my lifetime. But, you might just top him.
  12. I reposted this for Sedwor 8 hours before you did. Look two posts above yours.
  13. https://www.amazon.com/Unreported-Truths-about-COVID-19-Lockdowns-ebook/dp/B089P216NP/ref=sr_1_1?dchild The link works, but it's worth noting: "Please note: the Essential Guide will be published in multiple sections. Part 1 includes an introduction, an examination of the way COVID deaths are counted, and a forecast for a potential worst-case scenario of coronavirus deaths in the United States."
  14. (reload) (Video Content No Longer Available)
  15. Mark, I don't find that to be true at all. I've posted 8-12 videos using mab in the last several days and they all stayed online for three days. That's the main reason we use mab. No one has yet to find a host where the files last longer than at mab. I don't believe RLC issues take down orders to mab because they know the files will be deleted automatically in three days, anyway. It saves them time, manpower and money. I visit this forum once a day and I still get every video posted using mab. I've even skipped days and still gotten all the mab videos. There's no reason to believe pictures would be any different.
  16. Are you sure? Support says she is not at home and she's not alone.
  17. Way back, they used to use horses to make glue, specifically, collagen from the hooves and bones. The word collagen comes from the Greek kolla, which means glue.
  18. Hey Leone, if you use mab.to as your host for uploading pictures, they will last for 2-3 days, if you use a guest account, or 3 days if you use a free account. Whatever host you're using now is deleting them in just a few hours. I don't know what host it is because they're always gone before I get to them. Just a suggestion. Hope it's helpful.
  19. I think you're talking to me but I just don't know what you mean. Can you explain it differently, please? Thanks.
  20. They would be even better if they didn't get deleted so quickly.
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