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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Well, I'm not shy, let me try. That fool not only deserves, but causes every insult he gets. He has turned what was once a great and respected country into a laughing stock. I have a slogan you can put on a baseball cap: MAKE AMERICA NOT EMBARRASSING AGAIN. Get rid of Donald Dump.
  2. Very clever, except when Kira walked "behind" the TV.
  3. That is certainly one inquisitive little kitten.
  4. "I would pay a king's T ransom to know how many Sills/Cills I've replaced in my life." Sorry, but "king's T ransom" does not translate to transom, to me. I have no experience at building windows.
  5. Pretty much what? Serious or sarcastic? UK humor? What's pretty much?
  6. You said he was name-calling. I was curious why that was name-calling.
  7. You may have the actual experience, but I have Google. "A mullion is a vertical element that forms a division between units of a window or screen, or is used decoratively. When dividing adjacent window units its primary purpose is a rigid support to the glazing of the window. Wikipedia"
  8. The atrocity of calling someone 'Karen'. He's out of line, and Buddha has some good points....But....Made me laugh...Oaksmoke...Pipe down Brenda! 😄 Are you guys being serious or sarcastic? What's the deal with calling someone 'Karen' or 'Brenda'? Aside from the fact that it's not his name and he's not female. Is this more UK humor I don't understand?
  9. The "Ulysse" watermark was already there when I got it. (Video Content No Longer Available)
  10. Nina, if you want us to call you, you have to give us the phone number. 😊
  11. Well, let me think about that. Neither "paneful", nor "panefull" are real words and since you're making a pun using the actual word, "painful", you would probably keep the form of the real word and just swap "pain" with "pane". 😊
  12. I think you might have meant PANEful, there.
  13. Sorry, that was too obscure for me.
  14. Sorry, Jabba, that one went right by ya. You posted two pics that said DP (double penetration). So, when I got to the third pic and there was only one guy fucking her, I said, this must be SP (single penetration).
  15. Dance like nobody's watching!
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